Sacrificial and Generous Giving The story of the widow that - TopicsExpress


Sacrificial and Generous Giving The story of the widow that Jesus commended is one illustration of the truth that giving to God is not just for those who can afford it. The Apostle Paul gives us another good example in… 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 1 And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, 4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. 5 And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will. Remember, giving isn’t sacrificial unless it’s a sacrifice. Does your giving cause you to make different choices about how you live? Sacrifice comes with a cost and causes us to forego or delay things we want for the sake of giving to God’s kingdom. In regard to showing mercy to the poor Tim Keller makes a similar point under the subheading Sharing the Burden quoting Jonathan Edwards: Rich men may say, they have not more than enough for themselves…to support their honor and dignity, as is proper for the place and degree in which they stand. Those who are poor…will say, they have not too much…and those who are of the middle sort will say, they have not too much…thus there will be found none to give to the poor. Keller then says that, “a family adapts their standard of what is ‘enough’ by their expectations of their class. This is not the way to decide a lifestyle!” How true this is in regard to giving sacrificially for the sake of the gospel. Keller further wrote, “This principle has ramifications for us all. What about the upscale family who can tithe its income without any curtailment of its living standard at all? Edwards would say that family needs to give more.” Sacrificial giving means that we feel the sacrifice. It hits home. It effects the way we live, and the decisions that we make. Sacrificial Giving requires that we put God’s priorities before our own, that we put the support of God’s Church and its mission before our own pleasure and comfort. Sacrificial giving involves four principles: it must be a gift, it is planned, it is proportionate and it is a sacrifice. It comes from our substance not our excess. This act can lead us into a closer relationship with God because if we are giving an amount that is truly a sacrifice we are expressing the belief that our security lies not in our material wealth but in God. nyalimuzik/sacrificial-and-generous-giving/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:42:54 +0000

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