Sad Liam Imagine For Gwen c: Hope You Like It You sit within the - TopicsExpress


Sad Liam Imagine For Gwen c: Hope You Like It You sit within the darkening movie theater, Liam’s arm draped lightly about your shoulders. Flickering upon the giant screen are several commercials and trailers; none of which you care to see. You and your boyfriend of 3 years came here to enjoy the premiere of Toy Story 3 for your birthday, not a bunch of dull commercials. You glance at Liam adoringly as your stomach rumbles softly. His big, sweet brown eyes catch yours and his full lips into a generous grin. “I love you, babe,” he says, his voice thick with compassion and love for you. Though you have heard this a million times, your heart flutters quickly within your chest and warmth approaches the soft skin of your face. You manage a slight grin and whisper, “I love you more, Liam.” “I don’t think that’s possible, ma’am.” His flawless face slowly nears yours and your breath catches within your throat. You utter a chuckle, staring into his twinkling eyes and say, “How would you know, sir? Nothing is impossible.” “Hmm, so that means that you can staple Jell-O to a tree?” Liam smirks, and before you can reply, his lips are gently tangled with yours. Your hands absentmindedly wander to the back of his neck and rest there. It is the perfect moment, that is, until your stomach again rumbles, thus interrupting it. “Are you hungry love?” Liam inquires, gently removing his lips from yours and glancing at your stomach. You manage a sigh of irritation and glance into his eyes apologetically. “Yes,” you admit. “I’m going to get a snack.” You rise from your seat and, just as you are turning to leave, Liam grasps tightly upon your wrist. “Don’t be too long, love. I can’t bear to be 5 minutes without you.” “It’s not like I’ll be gone for an eternity, Liam.” You giggle, glancing into his eyes. “Do you want anything while I’m out?” “No thank you, babe, thanks. I love you,” reluctantly, he releases your wrist. “I love you too,” you turn and exit the theater. You stand before the vending machine, uncertain as to what to purchase. Before you lays several types of candy—chocolate, jelly-beans, crackers, you name it. Yet again, your stomach growls and, just as you have decided what your stomach most desired for, you feel a strong, tap on the shoulder. Curious, you whirl around to see two gruff, bulky guys dressed in black standing behind you. “May I help you?” you ask politely. “Are you that lady dating one of the One Direction members?” asks the one nearest you, his eyes dark and analyzing. You feel at sudden unease, though you ignore your senses and boast a pleasant smile upon your face. “Why, yes, I am,” you answer. “Why?” “Give us all your money!” immediately orders the one farthest from you. “Now!” You are immediately frightened and you begin to back away from the men, though your back soon hits a wall and you are trapped. “Wh—what?” “You have more than enough money for you or that singer! It’s time for you to start sharing!” The front man of the men stealthily nearing you reaches into his back pocket. Violent shivers that of fear begin to tremble throughout your body as his hand reappears, wielding within it a knife. It is then that you begin to utter sobs. “Y-you want my money?” you manage to croak, reaching into your pocket. You withdraw your wallet and hurl it at the men in hopes of saving your life—and the life growing inside you. “Take it!” The second man retrieves your wallet from the ground and begins to search through it. After only a mere few seconds, his eyes lift to glare at you. “You call this money? This isn’t even enough to live off of for one day! Kill her!” Before you can react, you feel a sharp, cool edge pressing against the warm skin of your neck. You stare into the cruel eyes of your predator as you feel a sudden, agonizing pain within your neck and utter a slight scream. The knife now covered with your blood and your throat bleeding excessively, they run, leaving your wallet behind. Your hands rise to your throat, attempting to cover the giant slash wound and stop the blood flow, though it is no use. You collapse to the ground, barely grasping onto consciousness, when you hear a yelp—a yelp that of pure surprise and pain. Appearing within your field of vision is Liam, tears abundantly trickling down his face and splattering upon your cheeks. “No, no, no,” he repeats, utterly heartbroken as he cradles your head within his laps. “No, who did this to you? Who did this to you, love? No, you can’t leave me, you can’t leave me. It’s going to be okay, you hear? It’s going to be okay…Somebody, help! Get help!” “I-I’m…I’m sorry Liam,” you manage to rasp, tears welling abundantly within your eyes. “I failed…” “Huh? What do you mean, love?” His watering eyes focus upon yours. “I—I’m pregnant…I was waiting to tell you…I’m…I’m sorry…” You have lost the ability to speak and you are quickly losing your clutch upon life. For but a moment, Liam is speechless. Then, rather softly, his free hand rests gently upon your stomach. “It’s okay, babe,” he manages. “Just remember, I’ll love you both to infinity and beyond.” Quite gently, he plants a kiss upon your head, just as your heart offers one last beat Soo What Ya Guys Think? (: ~NiallsFlashAttack
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:28:12 +0000

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