Sadly, today saw a new law being put before lords. A law that - TopicsExpress


Sadly, today saw a new law being put before lords. A law that makes being a nuisance a crime punishable by 2 years in nick and up to £5000 fine. the system of control grows ever more intrusive and repressive. We are in an age where we have been taught to be selfish and have thus ignored what is going on in the world because our selfishness has been fed. The walls are closing in now, as the resources dwindle and are polluted. Drinking water is diminishing fast (much faster with fracking). The elite, mega-wealthy criminals running this mad dash into hell, are well aware of what they are doing, they were mostly taught by their fathers and creepy, fiddly, touchy uncles. They have quite openly stated in places people dont normally look, what their intentions are. They want to reduce the population of the planet to less than 1 billion and install a complete control centralized system to rule over the slave survivors and live just like in the film Elysium (tho probably not in a floating wheel). They are not going to give up their way of life unless we make them. They are quite happy for you and your family to die. The poisons being put into food and junk food, the poisons being sprayed over our heads every day. Every aspect of our lives are bombarded with badness. Some of you may live away from the ratrace and think the world is lovely but things are getting really bad really fast and you all seem to think of us all going down the poo-shoot is some weird abstract concept that cant actually happen. Sorry, but it is happening and if you really care about what sort of world you leave your children or even just a concept of not wanting evil to win, you really need to start waking up and speaking up. Just as I started this with a law, they are also seeking to restrict the watchernet. They want to take away our ability to communicate and are always working at keeping us fighting and blaming amongst ourselves. Immigrants, welfare people, Muslims, all tools of division by the elite. They create the social problems and reap it, while increasing numbers suffer increasingly. Since bedroom tax and Atos came in, over 10 000 disabled people have died, more than would be normal. You comfortable lot in the middle bracket, you ignore this the hardest and I understand why. Especially as you worked hard for what you have. It will be taken from you. Your continued indifference will ensure it. Human beings are not as helplessly tied to their human nature as we are taught to believe. We are not that bad as a whole. But we have become complacent and selfish (by design I am quite sure, whether spiritual or man-made, but for quite different reasons). It is definitely time to wake up to the threat, for the threat is a lesson. Anyone with pretensions of being better with anyone else will find that stripped bare. Anyone who understands that, will have no excuse to keep supporting a system that lets other peoples little brown children die horribly to further corporate lust, while they distract you with shiny gadgets and trinkets, a comparatively wonderful life (for now) and dreams of MORE. To naively and vainly think yourself a well rounded and socially developed human being, when you endorse or even tolerate such an unjust, perverse and ugly feudal system that condemns billions to lives of suffering and want. You have to understand me now, WITH LOVE. I am not the one who is out of order. PEACEFUL REVOLUTION
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 22:18:03 +0000

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