Safety starts at home with a fair admissions policy. Guests - TopicsExpress


Safety starts at home with a fair admissions policy. Guests from who we know that they do not know how to behave respectfully to the host and other guests should not be allowed access. And certainly not if it is clear that the guest only has come to abuse a so-called refugee status. If the Netherlands maintained Swiss admissions since 1975 than the Netherlands would have less than 10.5 million inhabitants at the present moment. And in compliance with U.S. admissions policy the Netherlands would have less than 11 million people. These facts speak out for the Dutch tolerance and actually show that our tolerance has passed by far certain limits involving good housekeeping. Many journalists from other countries criticize Wilders current statements without taking into account the correct proportions. Obtaining a residence permit in the Netherlands is much simpler than in the surrounding countries. The Netherlands provide many more juridical possibilities - at enormous rates - in order to provide aid to chanceless economic refugees by stretching procedures indefinitely. Our naturalization conditions compared with other countries are very soft. This uncontrolled influx of immigrants in the Netherlands since 1975has led that the crime levels in the Netherlands have increased more than tenfold. That our government tries to show other numbers witch reflects a different picture is due to creative accounting, but does not reflect the reality that many natives are confronted with daily. No other country in the world tolerates such a disproportionately large representation immigrant criminals. So before journalists start criticizing, they should be better informed regarding the Dutch reality.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:01:55 +0000

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