Said I would share this so that people who havent done any - TopicsExpress


Said I would share this so that people who havent done any Facebook advertising can see some results. I did some Facebook advertising over the weekend (Friday 14th 6.30pm to Sunday 16th 9.00pm) spending £25 and these were the results - 6736 people reached, of which there were 141 engagements (likes, shares or comments). i.e. 2.1%. According to Facebook anything higher than 1% is good. I experienced higher numbers of visitors to my website, but not as high as when I sent a Mail Chimp newsletter out. But the visitors this weekend were predominantly new visitors - which is what Im after. However... Ive had just one course enquiry and a spam enquiry. Not sure what I expected and whether I need to look at why people didnt book. But an interesting exercise. Anyone else got experience of Facebook advertising to share?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:42:38 +0000

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