Saints, Let’s Arise and Save our Nation When the righteous - TopicsExpress


Saints, Let’s Arise and Save our Nation When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2. Can we, as a people, say we are rejoicing? If we do not get the fulfilment of the word of God, how then do we measure ourselves? What does it really mean for the righteous to be on the throne? Who is the righteous? These are the issues we will be looking at in this article. First of all, the righteous is not one that is termed righteous by our own estimation or yardstick. Meaning, the righteous is not necessarily one that attends our church. The righteous is actually one handpicked by God. He is God’s choice, and if you believe God is always right, then you will understand that God’s choice, is ‘Right-Choice’. The fact that God has a choice doesn’t automatically mean he or she will be the people’s choice. Most times, people do not align to God’s choice. So what happens when God’s choice is not known or accepted by the people? I want us to do a study, using the ascension of King Solomon to the throne of David, his father. “Then Nathan asked Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, “Have you not heard that Adonijah, the son of Haggith, has become king, and our lord David knows nothing about it? 12 Now then, let me advise you how you can save your own life and the life of your son Solomon. 13 Go in to King David and say to him, ‘My lord the king, did you not swear to me your servant: “Surely Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he will sit on my throne”? Why then has Adonijah become king?’ 1kings 1:11-13 This last part which is the question “why then has Adonijah become king”? Is what I want us to reflect on. Solomon was the ordained king of Israel. God had spoken about him even before he was born. We can see that clearly in 1Chronicles 22:9, where David himself quoted God saying, “But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. David must have had an encounter with God where God told him this, and he held on to it. He even swore to Bathsheba concerning it to make that spiritual transaction valid. Prophet Nathan, who was in the picture from the beginning, was also a party to that oath. When David became old and was almost dying, a conspiracy took place in the palace. The destiny of Israel was about to be turned to the wrong direction and guess what? The people involved in that conspiracy were; Joab, David’s Chief of defence staff and Abiathar one of the chief priests of David. How could the priest be involved with this you may ask? Look at the drama that unfolded as Nathan the prophet had to act quickly to save the destiny of Israel. Now you see two men of God on both sides of the divide. Who is right and who is wrong? As events played out, we see that Nathan was right. But how come Abiathar was on Adonijah’s side? This is to show you that it is not every priest that keeps the testimony of God. It is not every man of God that keeps God’s testimony. Let us look at it. Naturally speaking, Adonijah had every reason to think he would succeed his father based on seniority. Remember, His elder brother Absalom had died. So he felt after his father, he should be the next king. That was what Joab and Abiathar were working on too. To them, they felt David was doing him injustice by making his far younger brother from an outcast woman, to rule over them. I mean, they all knew how Bathsheba came into the house. It just didn’t make sense; they felt David wasn’t thinking right; she must have induced him somehow. Isn’t that how we think today? How do we discern the will of God over what we feel is right; because sometimes, it does appear like God doesn’t play fair? How will God say this should be our ruler, when we have all decided to zone? Does God do zoning, or does He search out the one who will fulfil His will? Back to our point; although God had spoken concerning Solomon and David had accepted, things would have gone wrong and it would have gone wrong by the hand of man. If Prophet Nathan, who had the testimony of God concerning this truth, did not act, things would have gone wrong. Man would have spoilt things for Israel and they wouldn’t have known. It is important also that we see how the prophet enforced God’s testimony. You will think he was going to call down fire to destroy the enemy plotting against the ascension of Solomon. You will think he would call for a prayer meeting. What we see rather, was a prophet doing all he knew to do to preserve the testimony of the Lord as led by the lord without strife. He told the woman to go and remind the king of his oath, knowing David was a man who will fulfil his oath no matter what. They intelligently got back the throne for Solomon. 1Kings 1:14 “While you are still there talking to the king, I will come in and add my word to what you have said.” The story we have just analysed above plays out in every society. Do you know God chooses leaders and do you also know that sometimes, God’s choice might not be the people’s choice? David for example, although God anointed him king over Israel, first ruled in Hebron for seven and half years before he became king over Israel. Think about it, seven and half years! For those years, Israel as a nation had no king, yet God had given them David. The challenge was, Samuel the prophet whom God spoke to was dead. The prophet who was to defend the testimony was no more. So God had to rely on natural process, which means He had to convince the elders of Israel that David was their king. I believe if Samuel was still alive, David would have been anointed immediately after the death of Saul. As we approach a season of leadership change as a nation, is it not important we ask, “where are those whom the Lord had ordained to be the President, Governors, House of Rep, Senate members etc”? Where are the prophets that bear their testimony? Are they quiet and letting things go wrong? This 2015 elections is very significant for our nation. If you are a prophet or a watchman, you should know this. We as a nation are beginning a new phase. A new chapter that will give this nation direction for another 100 years is being opened, and it is only those the Lord has ordained that will bring to pass that which has been written. If we miss it by letting the wrong people into government, we will lose our relevance as a nation in God’s scheme of things or we will have to wait for another cycle to see if God will show us mercy and that depends on if we repent. Let me tell you, do you know the main purpose of God choosing Solomon was so he would build the temple? That temple was what brought about the glory of Israel. The temple made the whole world to visit Israel. What was God up to? That they may come and hear of His power and then learn of His ways. Do you know if Adonijah had become king, the temple wouldn’t have been his priority? Israel would have missed her hour of visitation. Our Nation is in that same spot and only God’s ordained rulers will do the job. Nigeria, our time of visitation is here. There is a glory God wants to raise in this place that will bring the whole world to it. It is time for the prophets who have heard from the Lord to speak and defend the testimony the Lord has given them. I am talking about those to whom the arm of the Lord has been revealed concerning rulership. It may be for just your constituency, speak up and don’t hold back. If the prophets keep quiet, they shall by their quietness shut their voice for the coming season. I hear the Lord say, “Every leader who doesn’t hand over to the God ordained leader, shall be punished for it”. The land will arise and fight them because they deprived her of her right season of glory. Are you a priest? Don’t be as Abiathar. This is the time to gather the people and begin to seek the mind of God. Locate the prophets among you and let them declare the counsel of the Lord. If you have not heard from the Lord, keep quiet and don’t lie. The prophets also should not prophesy by wine or by gifts of men, or by reason of their own anticipated benefit, but they should seek the purpose of the Lord. Where are the intercessors and watchmen? This is the time to fulfil the ministry of the watchman and keep God’s testimony for the fulfilment of this purpose. Therefore the watchmen must be on their post to warn the people. Are you a leader in authority scheming your own successor? You must be sure that successor is clearly the one chosen by the Lord. If you go against the Lord’s anointed, a sword is already over your head. You shall be forgotten and the land shall treat you as one who fought against her. Look at Saul: because he was not willing to accept God’s choice even after he knew it, the land forgot him. When you speak of the kingship of Israel even till this day, the throne is called the throne of David. How come Saul is not remembered even though he was the first king? It was not because David did anything to remove his memory, David even tried to preserve Saul’s inheritance but nevertheless, the land refused to recognise Saul as her first king. This shall be the fate of those leaders who know the will of God but fought against it. Have you received a call from the Lord to rule in this season? Begin to behave yourself wisely. Don’t keep quiet! Speak and fear not! Say that which the Lord has said concerning you and the land, and let the angels fight for you. Let the boldness of God rest upon you and let not man oppress you. I pray that heaven will mobilize support for you as you stand to defend the testimony of the Lord. Let a way be open for you, and let men be silenced for your sake. Nigerians! This is not the time to follow sentiments. This is not the time to say my brother, or it is our turn. If your brother is not the chosen of the Lord, then he is not. If you push him there, you will only inherit the curse of the Land and God will judge you for turning His judgment. The bible says in Rom 13:1 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God”. Get understanding! It is the seat that is the authority, not the person on it. If you let the wrong person sit on the seat of authority, then expect evil from the seat and you are bound to obey it. It is thus important that we ensure only God ordained people are in the seat of authority, that we may submit joyfully. Let us set our hearts for the glory of our nation, that all the labour of the Word of God in this Nation will not be a waste. If the Lord has put this same burden in your heart, then don’t keep silent. Arise and see to it that the testimony of the Lord will stand. May God bless our Nation and her People. Amen. Atubo George
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:36:51 +0000

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