Saints of God, Our God is a good God. If you were not at the - TopicsExpress


Saints of God, Our God is a good God. If you were not at the Royal Lifestyle service you missed a royal service full of revelation and understanding. The man of God our District Pastor was dishing the word of God for the third time in the same day but it was just something else. You really need to get a copy of this sermon. He taught on the love of God towards us The book of Ephesians is the magna cutter of the New Testament. Christ is made manifest and we begin to know him. We begin to know our position; In him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing and it is in this book that Christ is raised above everything else. You never know the gospel until you come to the book of Ephesians. It is in this book that we are told that we must know the greatness of the power that is working in us. It tells us that we are saved by the grace of God. It is in this book that we know that the church is the pride of Christ and that it is a mystery. Paul says this mystery was entrusted to me. In chapter 5 we see the church as the bride of Christ which is purchased by his own blood. In chapter 6 we see the church as an army of God. You must know your position and you enemy. You are not fighting with what can be seen. Put on the while armour of God. Eph 4:16-19 How does it connect to faith. Your limited view or knowledge of God will always produce a limited faith. You must strive by all means to know him. Paul after a lengthy time in Christ says whatever was gain to me I count it as a lose because of the surpassing knowledge of Jesus. He says I have decided to narrow all my pursuits into one thing and he says I want to know Jesus and the power that raised him from the dead. He says I want to know him. This knowing is not head knowledge but it is embracing him. Paul says if it takes suffering for me to know him I am prepared. I want to experience him. He says I have seen miracles but I still want to know him. I forget past things and strive on things that are ahead. If the knowledge of Jesus is not driving you then you do not know want is driving you. The focus of the church, preachers and pastors is to make you know Christ. Eph 4:12-14 You most be equipped till you come to the unity of the faith. We most mature to a level that we are like Christ. We must not depend on the man of God for everything. As we mature in Christ dependence must reduce. Imagine if you were like Christ, walked like Christ, spoke like Christ. Your focus must be to become like Christ. When you a like Christ you will smell like him. They knew Jesus but when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they remembered they were with Christ. You do not tell people they must see that he is a follower of Christ. I will speak like Christ and walk like Christ. We have to grow up into him who is the head. You are equipped in every joint and ligament. There is power in fellowship. Different people supply different things to you. The bible me says do not neglect coming together as is the custom of other people. We are a body there are thing that must be supplied by pastor Mlilo to you and that you neighbour must supply. There is an area in my life that will never grow if you are not there. There is growth when there is coordination between the members of the body. We will no longer be children who are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. A mature believer does not believe everything. People are afraid of you because you are still a reed and you are not stable. But when you are mature you will not be tossed by what they say and false doctrines. There are so many false doctrines that need your maturity. You must develop your spiritual senses. It is like eating fish eat the flesh and remove the bones. Your senses have been trained and you can tell this is an error and this is truth. The focus of the church is to know Christ. Eph 3: Paul says I want you to be strong in the inner man and that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith. That Christ may abide, reside, stay, find shelter be accommodated in your heart by faith. Being rooted and grounded in love. Your faith will never work until you comprehend God’s love for you. John says God is love. The apostle says I want you to be grounded, that is foundation in love. We trust this building will not fall, we trust that the one who did the foundation did a good job. When you want to fix the cracks you fix the foundation. The higher the building, the deeper the foundation. Be rooted, roots give stability to a tree. The deeper the roots the taller the tree. It will not be brought down by winds. The thriving ground where a believer’s faith works on is the love of God. When you are going through a situation you should never come to a point where you doubt God’s love. Paul says I want to comprehend its breadth and depth and it’s width. How deep it is that it can reach any sinner. The height of his love that he can take you to any height. When you are going through a situation remember his love. Romans 8:36-37 In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. v38 Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Because God loves me so much he will avail his power to me. Romans 5:8 While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He died for me. If you want to understand what you mean before God look at the price he paid to have you. For God to have you Christ had to die. Christ loves you. Wake up in the morning and look at yourself and say Christ died for me. Christ never waited for me to be a believer. 5:9 Hope does not disappoint. What makes your hope to be alive is the love of God. My hope is never disappointed. I shall live and I shall not die because the love of God has been poured in my heart. God’s love is high spending he spend his best for you. God says the fact that is I gave you the best. If money could buy you I would use it but it was not enough you were not bought by anything earthly but heavenly. When it came to you he said not a bull not a goat but the blood of Jesus. God never sparred his own son? Then how shall he not give us everything else. v9 You faith must be in the love of God. When you know that God loves you it will settle you. Jonah 4:1-2 Jonah is sent to Nineveh but he runs away from fulfilling the assignment. Jonah says God I know your character. Jonah was running away because at the end of the day he would look like he was lying. Jonah was preaching and the king and his people repented. When they prayed the Lord repented on his anger and Jonah was angry. Jonah says I knew you would forgive them. Jonah says now I look like a liar now you have changed your plan and not destroyed the city. Arent you surprised that when people came to Jesus and were regarded as Gentiles they said Jesus and they knew if we say son of David we will not have access as we are not Jews so they said have mercy. Exodus 34:6 Numbers 14:18-19 When God was angry in the wilderness Moses said remember you mercy Lord. Moses says pardon the iniquity of these people according to the greatness of you mercy. Pray knowing God loves you so much. He hears you because he loves you. You are the apple of God’s eye. If you want to see the anger of a man touch his wife whom he loves. If you want to see how much God loves me touch the one he loves. God has it already and does not need to work hard to have it, he will just give it to you. Ignorance that we think we need to pray 7 days and nights for God to hear us. When you see humility it breaks you. My God, Saints of God; God loves me. I am beloved of God. Our God is a good God. Let us pray earnestly for our beloved District Pastors Luvy and Praise Mlilo servants of the might and awesome God and for the Apostles Ezekiel and Eunor Guti the patriarchs of our time ready to minister at the soon coming deeper Life in South Africa. Isaiah 43:4” Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:40:22 +0000

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