Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, By Allah numbers never scared him - - TopicsExpress


Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, By Allah numbers never scared him - Europe threw every single soldier they had at him, Salahuddin fulfilled the rights of Jihad, Salahuddin fulfilled the rights of this Ummah.. When the news of Salahuddin reached Europe they couldnt believe a non-white Christian man could be so brave and compassionate, the people loved Salahuddin, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, he showed mercy and compassion to people..Salahuddin Al Ayyubbi spent longer fighting with Muslims than fighting non Muslims because he understood that if they were not untied they was weaker.. Salahuddin was amazed at the zeal of Christendom, he would send letters to the Muslim leaders and say help us assist us and none of them would help him he would say There are more Christians at acre here than there are waves at sea Salahuddin decided to conquer the ports so they could not send any more he stated The Christians charges are stronger than ours so we will beat them strategically he stood near the cliffs and waters when the Crusaders noticed they was close to the cliffs they charged thinking they could knock them off the edge, Salahuddin had hidden archers all the way around so as they charged they was trapped in a constant rain of arrows... Salahuddin wanted to capture the Crusaders cross, when they drove the crusaders back the soldiers shouted Alhamdulilah we have beaten them Salahuddin replied Not yet they drove them more back the soldiers shouted Alhamdulilah we have beaten them Salahuddin replied Not yet, Wait till the flag of the kings tent falls and as he said that the flag fell did he jump around and scream Alhamdulilah? Salahuddin came down from his mount and went into Sujood, because he understood victory is from Allah... When Europe heard their Holy Lands had been taken back from them, they were devastated Pope Urban the 2cnd died out of Grief, the subsequent pope ordered that as many crusaders should be sent as possible to fight, just from Germany Frederick brought 1,000,000 soldiers, Alhamdulilah, his ship sunk and he drowned his army was dispersed, King Richard [England] Philip [France] brought 600,000 soldiers each, Salahuddin was amazed! He said Every time we kill one they send another 1000, when you look at their dead its impossible to think any survived and when you look at the ones alive its impossible to think we killed any There were 3 caliphs in the time of Salahuddin, does anybody know the names of those caliphs? Because they didnt care so we forgot them, but we remember Salahuddin because he cared for the Ummah, when those caliphs sat in their palaces with their gold, Salahuddin lived in a tent on the battlefield. Salahuddins brother and nephew both passed away, he cried his eyes out then later he went to the battlefield, it was as if he had never cried, he was the same Salahuddin as he had always been. Salahuddin said Oh ibn Shaddad when we have cleansed the holy lands of the crusaders, what I wish is that I go over to their land and spread the word of Islam until not one disbeliever in the world is left... Ibn Shaddad replied Ohh Salahuddin you are the pillar of this deen, you are the protector of this deen, what will happen if you die? Salahuddin turned to him and replied Ohh Shaddad what is the greatest death? Ibn Shaddad Marty... Salahuddin Then that is what I seek.... King Richard of England (Famous Quote) As long as Salahuddin stays in Jerusalem, we will never take it King Richard asked for a truce, Salahuddin showed mercy towards the Christian kings he gave them water.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:21:32 +0000

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