Sam Moore declines taxpayer funded pension plan----This past week, - TopicsExpress


Sam Moore declines taxpayer funded pension plan----This past week, I turned down the State House benefit package, which includes the State House pension plan. I didnt even bother to read it...the idea of me working for less than 10 years as a legislator, then getting a pension for the rest of my life makes me sick. I could not imagine walking around the community, years from now, knowing that every person I see is forced by the government to pay me...for doing nothing. When I went to inform the benefits team, the nice lady administering benefits kept asking me over and over if I understood what I was doing. I did. But it never did compute with her. Even after I explained it. She said, but its free money for the rest of your *have* to take it. Folks, there is no such thing as free money. I will not have my constituents, their children, or their childrens children pay for me to sit on my butt long after Im not working for them. So I am certainly not going to vote YES on a document that would cause that to happen. So I checked the decline box, signed my name, thanked the nice lady for her help and walked out. I am not in the State house for money. Im doing it because I was called to do it. Also, I didnt decline the benefits package because we couldnt use them. My wife was recently laid off, and we were getting benefits through her company. This is not a trivial choice for us. However, it was me putting my money where my mouth is. Better yet, it was me not putting your money where my mouth isnt. If you have my campaign yard sign stored in your basement, this would be a great weekend to place it in your front yard. If you havent already, sign up for my District 22 Newsletter, via the homepage of my campaign website, voteformoore.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:49:55 +0000

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