Sananda and AA Michael: Help Us Clear the Way for Ascension With - TopicsExpress


Sananda and AA Michael: Help Us Clear the Way for Ascension With the Hoopoopono Prayer 24 January 2015 Channeler: Kathryn E. May Sananda: On our Wednesday, January 21 radio show, I, Sananda, AA Michael, Ashtar and Raphael joined with Kathryn and her colleagues Marlene and Meg to introduce a new approach to the messages we are sending you.* We have agreed, at their request, to be more open and informative about the issues we are working with behind the scenes, and how those difficulties have affected the timing of the roll-out of the many blessings you have looked forward to. We have acknowledged that things have not always gone according to our projected plans because of the free will of all on the planet, and we have given you more information about how we operate in Higher Dimensions in response to the ebb and flow of activities on Earth. In the spirit of sharing more detailed information with you, I will continue this approach in todays message. We have done this because we now see that you have matured in your approach to your own ascension, and are able to understand and absorb more of the bigger picture without falling into the state of panic we had feared we might touch off. We see now that you are not so easily thrown off course and that you can use our in-depth information to strengthen your resolve and to heighten your faith in the eventual triumph of our Great Plan. I have asked Kathryn to release to you the following message we gave to her in private. It was one of many messages we have given to her as part of our communication with her about what was needed at the time, and how we wished for her to proceed in her part of the work we do together. I want to share this with you now as part of the open communication about how we work with our boots on the ground and how we can work with all of you if you are willing. This was a personal message I gave to her after her very powerful radio show on October 30, 2014. ** Heres the latest from our perspective: The Light energies are already rising in harmony with the sense of commitment and hope you have relayed to your audience last night. Yes, there is a tremendous challenge ahead for humankind. There was even a chance that the so-called battle for Planet Earth would be lost to the dark forces, whose energies have pervaded every part of your world. You have lighted the torch and called out the challenge for all Lightworkers to search deeply within their own hearts to find the location of the dark seed that was planted there as part of your contract before you came here. It was the contract first sealed as the Lucifer agreement - that you would carry a seed of darkness within, which you would learn to conquer and overcome as a part of your ascension toward higher dimensions. It was a clever plan in its conception, to test yourselves against yourself to find the way back to God. It was also an optimistic view of what humankind could achieve. The belief was that you would be so uncomfortable with the inner darkness that you would be driven to reach through the Veil to remain in contact with us, your Guides and Helpers, to raise yourselves out of the heavy 3rd dimension. It was also agreed at the time of its inception that the contract would remain in effect until such time as you, while still in the human body, should discover the fatal flaw within, and find a way to remove it. This requires two things: tracking it down and dissolving it, and finding the key to nullifying the contract itself. Until now, there have been many who searched, and many who suspected an inner cause of all darkness in humans, but none who saw the connection between the self-hatred and self-doubt that is central to human misery and fear, and the existence of a contract that affected all humans. You, dear Kathryn, with the help of your intuitive friends and colleagues, have discovered the key to changing the human condition. You must now find a way to teach this gem in a way that will bring clarity and understanding to all. In this way, you will stop the ascending algorithm that has blanketed the world with dark energy, and which has become so dense that it threatens the electromagnetic balance of Earth herself. There is a dramatic warp in the electromagnetic field which is caused by the conflict between Terrras high energy and the pervasive dark thought forms on the surface of the planet. If allowed to continue, it would threaten the survival of the human race. Of course, all souls will survive, returning to us in Higher Dimensions, but the human experiment that began millions of years ago would come to a sad end, should this happen. This is why we asked you, Kathryn, to discontinue our daily channelings, which were not helping, and which left you very tired. It seemed that people enjoyed them for the moment, but the teachings did not pervade the layer of denial the dark implant creates in all people. We saw that our cheerleading, affirmations and hopeful assessments of your progress were not resulting in raising the Light. As I, Sananda, described on the blog talk show last night, we were truly not lying to you; we believed what we said, but each time you took a leap forward, it was followed by a fall backward. We saw it was the effect of the combined rising darkness as it played on your Luciferian seed. It was time for a complete shift in our approach. With the announcement of a new challenge and a new approach to take it on, the flame within many hearts ignited. Many responded with heightened resolve and commitment. We are gratified to the point of tears to see how courageously the Lightworkers who have read your channelings have responded to the call to continue with their inner work, to clear away the darkness within that exists now in every human on the planet. We ask that you develop a program of teaching groups how to remove the seed - what you referred to today as a sleeper cell - and nullify the original contract, and prevent any inclination to restore the dark cell. It will be an ongoing, moment-by-moment concentrated effort on everyones part to acclimate to life without the familiar backdrop of dark thoughts and feelings that felt like who you are. You will create a recording within the coming days to teach these techniques, put it in CD for and begin distributing it to everyone you can. It is urgent that this knowledge be disseminated widely as soon as possible. We foresee that if you can triple the number of Lightworkers who are awake, and teach all to remove the Sleeper cell, you will quickly put Earth back on the track to Ascending with her beloved children. [See our YouTube channel, Youtube/Dr.Kathryn E.May for both the sleeper cell and Hooponopono Meditations ] Now, three months after that message to Kathryn, you have been working with the information we have given you in new ways. I wish to now remind everyone of the need to search out and remove that dark seed which was part of the contract when you came here to live out this life in 3D. Last nights radio show included a beautiful meditation from AA Michael based on the Hooponopono prayer. It is one of the most effective and beautiful ways of approaching this difficult challenge. We have asked that the excerpt of this prayer be copied and placed on your YouTube channel for everyone to use. We observe that there are still many of you who have worked to clear away all dark thoughtforms, but find there is still a lingering seed of self-doubt or a wobble in your inner balance, or a moment of loss of faith and commitment to your path as a Lightworker. We ask that you join us in doing the Hooponopono prayer as you go through the day, every time you have a free moment, so that your practice becomes a constant, conscious activity. It will serve the double purpose of clearing yourself even as you heal the planet. We are asking you to accomplish the miracle of healing that Dr. Hew Len demonstrated in his work with criminally insane patients. Without speaking to them personally, he was able to heal an entire ward of inmates by sincerely using the prayer all day long. Does this not give us a microcosm of the global darkness we are experiencing now? It requires more people doing the work, nothing more, to accomplish the healing needed to give us a leap forward on our Ascension path. I will tell you why I am asking you this now, this day, and why it is more crucial than ever that we tip the balance toward the Light. Last night we encouraged Kathryn to once more raise her consciousness to ascend into higher dimensions, lifting her body with her. We were there surrounding her to help with the process, but as she began to rise above the lower fifth dimension, using the portal that was reactivated weeks ago, we were met with waves of electromagnetic resistance. This has happened in the past each time she has attempted to ascend. The waves are similar to what was described above, like swirling weather patterns causing turbulence and cross-currents in the electromagnetic field. This could cause serious problems had she continued, because the pattern of individual cells must be preserved in the transition. We do not want to risk losing any part of any of you in the storm of conflicting waves of energy as you move through the permeable barriers between dimensions. This is why we ask you now to join with us to finish the massive clearing process that is already underway. We are giving you the nitty-gritty details because we see that it helps you to understand why it is so important to do this Lightwork now, and this helps you to focus on what needs to be done. From now on, we will give you a more detailed job description when we ask you to clear away the dark thoughtforms. You see, the Hooponopono prayer, used in unison by thousands of people, will truly clear away the turbulence we are now seeing as an impediment to your ultimate ascension. Please, do not be alarmed, Dear Ones. This does not mean you will not be able to ascend. Far from it. The powerful cross-currents are stirred up because of the increasing Light, just as the disruptions you now see in your society are a result of real change. The warmth of your expanding hearts is bringing a warm pressure system across the face of the globe. Where it meets the frigid atmosphere of darkness, there is a normal temporary condition of turmoil in the energy around you. This is the good news, Beloved Ones. An increase in the warmth, Love and Light will push the frigid and destructive energies out of the way, concentrating and isolating them to be cleansed and completely removed by Mother Earth and by us, in concert with our mop-up crew on the ground. This is what we mean when we say we are an army of Light Warriors. We are ready, willing and able to finish this job, shoulder to shoulder with you, dear Humankind. If each one of you who reads this message will join us with your powerful energies, we can complete this cleanup in, well, no time. How beautiful you are, Dear Children of God. Your strength and your will to overcome will carry you through. You do not have to do this alone. Join with others - especially bringing in those who are completely asleep - and teach them the secret to happiness and peace of mind. The rising Light will then bring in the Paradise of the New Golden Age, with all its prosperity and abundance, just as we have envisioned it. My heart and soul join with you, my beloved brothers and sisters of the Light. Together we will complete this wondrous journey we have been working toward for centuries. I am your Sananda, the one you have known as Jesus. I love you without end. Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Jan. 23, 2015, 5 pm, New York whoneedslight
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:56:03 +0000

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