Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17 Today - TopicsExpress


Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17 Today knowing and understanding the difference between a biblical World view and a non-biblical worldview matters more than ever. I am beginning a class where we are going to spell out the differences between the historic Christian faith and other views represented in major religions, cults and ideologies that are competing for the hearts and minds of people today. Unfortunately, the cultural center of America has shifted away from Christian, or at least Judeo-Christian, morals and attitudes, to a post-Christian. Relative thinking, the idea that there is no objective absolute truth and “what’s true or right for you isn’t necessarily true or right for me,” is the prominent world view. People have fled “organized religion” and are seeking “spirituality” in many “nontraditional” forms, particularly the New Age movement. New Religions are more “high tech” Old Cults –more convincing than ever. What I am advocating is that it is more important than ever for biblical Christians to be able to recognize and spell out the basic differences between a Christian worldview and the beliefs held by your neighbors. So, how about it do you know what your worldview is? Your worldview is the set of assumptions that make up your personal outlook on the nature of the world and how to live in that world day by day. It is your “set of beliefs about the most important issues in life.” Some of the Key Questions are: 1) Who or what is God? (2) Who am I and how do I operate in my world? (3) How can I tell right from wrong? (4) When it’s all over, where do I go? (5) How can I know the truth; for that matter, how can I be sure that I know anything? (6) What does my life mean, and how do I fit into history, if at all? Today Christians face many non-biblical worldviews: Naturalism says that God does not exist and that physical matter is all there is. Eastern Mysticism (also called pantheistic monism), says, “All is one, one is all, and all is God.” Polytheism is the idea that there are many gods, goddesses and spirits that we must appease and please to have a reasonably good life. Pragmatism or relativism masquerades as a worldview. They say the only thing that counts is “what works for you.” Or more often, “I don’t believe any one system contains all truth.” As I try to show you The Big Difference, between Christianity and other worldviews, my goal is to sharpen your perspective on your own biblical worldview. A Christian uses the Bible to answer all those worldview questions I raised above: There is only one God, who is supreme and sovereign. And while He is transcendent—above and beyond us, He is also immanent—right here among us at the same time. He created it all—the universe and the world in which we live. Furthermore, He did it with absolutely nothing. He didn’t rearrange or put together matter of some kind that was as eternal as He is. This is a sore spot to some. I appreciate your comments and even your disagreements. Please "Share" this with your friends if you will.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:31:57 +0000

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