Saor Alba!! Over the past few weeks Ive heard so many negative - TopicsExpress


Saor Alba!! Over the past few weeks Ive heard so many negative comments. Just recently, how Yes voters are shoving their beliefs down other peoples throats. Ive been called stupid by my friend (!?) for believing in Scottish Independence. The Yes campaign or our displaying of Yes banners, flags and posters has been called Propaganda - by exactly the people that believe in the No campaigns misinformation and lies, which I on the other hand call propaganda. People of the No campaign have vandalised cars and torn down or destroyed pro-independence flags/banners in the area around Montrose. My parents back home in Germany dont get their heads around Scottish Independence because the news published in Germany dont reflect whats really happening and how people are linked up here in Scotland, they only see the information that the British provide the international news. Yes voters have been called too passionate or that we have our heads up our arses. Or that were all little William Wallaces. Or that Scotland should have had a referendum years ago, but to make such a decision now? (Mind, folks, weve had one in 1979 and the outcome had been manipulated by the British politicians) When is the right time for the folk to make a decision about its own country if not now? The biggest issue I found is how many times I have been told that I should have NO RIGHT TO VOTE in this referendum!! That has been said to me a few times by people that disagree with independence - and why? Because Im not Scottish. These people said that because Im not Scottish I should have no say in Scotlands future. Ive been here for four years now and Im not planning on leaving. Scotland is my home just as it is yours and I do have the right to decide over the countrys future just as any of you! In three weeks time a very, very big decision will be made - and it is so frustrating for me to observe just how biased public news and papers have been. Citizens have been denied proper information and facts because the British are shitting themselves over losing Scotland as part of their Great Union. Dont just rely on what the media tells you! Sit down and do your own research and make your decision based on information and not lies and scare stories. Ask yourself why on earth the British would tell you the truth anyway? Why would they? Why would they agree that Scotland could be a thriving country? Anything other than their negative or false stories would just drive more people towards Yes - of course they will not tell you the truth! An independent Scotland is a price too high for the rest of Britain to pay! Of course they do and say anything to stop people even considering independence. Get the facts. Theyre out there if you look for them. Vote Yes. #voteYES #yesscotland #indyref
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:31:23 +0000

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