Satans hollow last night was one of the best so far. No - TopicsExpress


Satans hollow last night was one of the best so far. No results but I guess Ill go back to old tactics and not jerk off for like 4 days before hand, so itll give me enough balls to do somthing. Haha. So if youre a girl and youre waiting for your crush to make a move and its getting towards the end of the line. Remind him to not jerk off. Not joking. Still one of the best nights though :3 Quiting smoking was going well untill COMMENTS. Anyway I successfully managed to go outside and not smoke like 3-4 times. Jumped around and got some oxygen instead. And then I skipped going outside so I could dance. Twice. Best decision ever. so anyone I asked the cloak room girl if shed pass me my weed from the pocket n she said are you really asking me that? Then I remembered I stashed it outside so I just said nvm So anyway the bouncer got word of it like 10 mins later when I was outside. Which I really wasnt expecting. Got my jacket n I was just like come on man I was joking blatant ly searched it, ahah. These girls that think theyre funny posting these statuses and its like. 1. A funny female is actually quite intimidating. 2. Trying to be funny is kind of cute, not succeeding is ok, too much is bad um kay. There may be awkward moments when I dont laugh. Ive seen some shit in my time... not just anything will make me laugh. 3. Try hard will rarely result in funny.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:10:33 +0000

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