Saturday, January 24 - Sunday, January 25, 2015 Crescent Moon - TopicsExpress


Saturday, January 24 - Sunday, January 25, 2015 Crescent Moon Phase: persevere; view challenges as an opportunity to strengthen, revise, and improve Moon in Aries Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Matangi (Goddess Who Includes) Skill: post up Negative Imprint: needing external validation, being too conservative, neurotic, fear of the unknown, ageism, faking, destruction of property, backed into a corner, impediments to progress by standing still Positive Imprint: repurposing, past life connections, tapping in, wisdom of elders, structuring, making history, rediscovering the past and bringing parts of the past forward, innovation, jumping into the void Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: an old adobe mission (projecting plans into the future, inner spiritual retreat) This weekend, we are asked to post up. In basketball terms, posting up is turning a certain way so that you can establish a position to receive a pass of the ball. The Universe asks us to post up and claim our spot so that we can receive spiritual guidance. This comes as part of the lunar month where we are projecting our plans, ideas, wishes, and selves into the future. We envision the construct of what that looks like. A major component of the construction comes from a foundation, an undercurrent, of our inner wisdom. Inner wisdom is divinely directed. As we establish adobe missions in the future - outposts where we will arrive later in time, we are reinforcing the structure now with inspiration from Spirit. This weekend we are posting up to reinforce our outposts. Old adobe missions are spiritual retreats. Other names for old adobe missions and spiritual retreats are temples, medicine wheels, churches, groves, schools, farms, vineyards, mountains, beaches, theatres, museums, studios. What is yours? It is a good idea this weekend to spend some time in whatever place or space is spiritual for you. Spirit is sending key insights into matters. The energy naturally places us in alignment for inner wisdom. There is a lot happening for our inner contemplation; complex sets of dynamics are in effect. Here are the highlights: Relationships, particularly romantic relationships, are undergoing revision, restructuring, and reassessment. Changes occur this weekend to bring things to better states. Mercury retrograde is acting as a muse, inspiring us with ideas and actions. The energy is design-oriented and functional. Mental architecture takes place. New things are being built from the past. All kinds of things are repurposed or even fully restored. On Saturday, our experiences from the Leo 2014 lunar cycle (July 26 - August 25, 2014) return for a visit and reconsideration. On Sunday, our experiences from the Pisces 2014 lunar cycle (March 1 - March 29, 2014) follow suit. Consider all of this in context and look at how those experiences have enabled you to claim more of your power and become who you are today. (Another element of this energy is a heightened ability to connect with our ancestors.) Leaps of faith, discussed at the New Moon of this cycle, may be necessary because the energy shifts quite palpably this weekend. The Moon catapults into Aries after an energetic journey through shadow lands over the last two days, which is a definite shift. But both Saturn and Pluto move to new degrees this weekend. Saturn moves away from energy for strategizing and toward energy that takes us to higher levels. Pluto moves away from energy for permanent structures and toward energy to heal and raise the spirits of people, particularly children. (Heads up: The Wisdom Goddess Matangi is getting ready to roll through on those who prey on the weak, disadvantaged, and marginalized. Whereas the goddess Dhuamavati sweeps through the field, Matangi razes it.) Post up with whatever works for you from this post as you engage in periodic spiritual retreat and communion this weekend. Remember to connect with nature as part of this. Find beauty. And if you can snap a photograph of it, please send it to me to post for everyone to enjoy!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 19:53:28 +0000

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