Saudi Arabia is a Dictatorship and they support their own kind of - TopicsExpress


Saudi Arabia is a Dictatorship and they support their own kind of so called Islamic Dictatorship in all Muslim countries. When it comes to muslim countries Saudi Arabia always want a leading role and present themselves as a Islamic role Model. Saudi Arabia is not fighting with Shia Iran rather with Democratic Iran, same goes tension with Democratic Turky and Public of Egypt. Where ever democracy and voice of the commen public grows, Saudi Arabia starts pulling legs of that country. Just like USA, Saudi Arabia also wish to create relations with Pakistani Army but not with the Public. Iran and Turky in the other hand are creating and wish to create relations with the Public of pakistan. Just see the Example of Zia. Zia-ul-haq and party of Zia was the main reason why we have this instabillity in Pakistan till now. They created armed civil armies to achive their aims. We are still harvesting the fruits of those armies. This all got nice warnish of Islam and now every one is killing innocent public in a so called way of God. What are they downing in Pakistan? Check out the recent counditions of Pakistanies in Saudi Arabia also. I get really sorry about the way they treat poor workers came from other lands. This So called Kafeel structure is not more than Salvery. Just ask experierences of those they worked or they are working in Saudi Arabia. In my heart I have alot of real stories the way workers cries in the evening when they get back to the residences. Saudies also support their own kind of Islam which is Salafies Sect. Salafies accept Saudies as true Islamic Kalafit. It is funded and driven through their own people. This all Shia and Sunnies fight started from the time when Democracy started in Iran. Saudies want the Salafist might and it is very hard because they donot have any Logical grownds. They are bringing poor narrations to cheat the pulic wisdom. In the other hand Quran tells us that the structure of the Goverment works through the will of the public that is Shura baina Hum. I cannot impose my thinking on any one. No body even did this in the history of Islam. Even that Prophet (saw) did not do any imposition himself till Allah told him(saw) that now Kill those they did not obey the clauses of the agrements which they have signed (Sura Tauba). Why are they doing this? Just rethink: what is the fight between Akhwan and Saudi kings? Why Saudies gave Billion of dollers to Egyeptain Army to Kill thousands of innocent Public? Did public not choose Mursi as their Presedent? Or they are telling the public that you guys are stupid enough to choose Mursi as your leader? Saudies have to understand the will of muslim nation and give value to the call of wisdom. I myself foresee and feel a big bloodshed in the Arab lands in comming years, just bceause these rich Saudies will fight for their might and power in each and every corner of the muslim lands. They have nothing to do with islam rather they are using Islam for their shameful activities arround the Globe. (these are my views, if you donot agree with this than just bring your thinking and we will talk about that calmly. Cursing and aggressive sentences will be deleted and user will be banned from the page. Thanks)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:14:52 +0000

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