Saw Noah last night and was pleasantly surprised. Spoiler alert, - TopicsExpress


Saw Noah last night and was pleasantly surprised. Spoiler alert, Noah (Russell Crowe) and his family survive the flood and repopulate the world! How, without lots of incest, babies with two heads and flipper feet is, as in the bible, never explained. I feared a heave dose of biblical moralizing about how evil man had become (back then, but really now). And there was some of that with heavy emphasis on mankind despoiling earth, the Creator’s gift. Man’s evil industrialized cities were mining their surroundings to exhaustion. Yes, even back in 4,000 BC! I heard that Noah did not follow the bible story. So, my best hope was for a Ten Commandants story, where Russell Crowe, instead of building an ark, could’ve raised his staff and parted the waters. But Russell Crowe is no Charlton Heston. Russell Crowe would beat the water senseless before he would think of parting it. No, the highlight of the story was a battle for the ark (and later, in the ark) between Noah and Tubal-Cain (Ray Winstone), brutal king of Cain’s descendants. Sort of like Gladiator going 20,000 leagues under the sea. Noah is added by the Watchers, fallen angels who have become Rock Monsters (moral of that story, don’t piss off the Creator) right out of Galaxy Quest (or the Movie Rock Monsters). In the ensuing conflict, Noah shows himself to be somewhat of a hard-ass and Tubal-Cain is given some great lines about how the Creator gave dominion of earth and the animals to man, then abandoned him to fight for that dominion. So be it! Biblical movies often offend me, with their moralizing from a US, conservative, republican, mid-western, white, middle class, protestant perspective. Because God is made in their image. Instead, the movie’s creator, Darren Aronofsky went for action and conflict (and Russell Crowe) instead of Pat Robertson biblical accuracy. He even conspicuously avoided using the term God and instead went with “The Creator.” No wonder the thumpers hated it.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 06:05:04 +0000

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