Saw this, and as the Mens Small Group has been discussing the - TopicsExpress


Saw this, and as the Mens Small Group has been discussing the Lords Prayer, thought this was interesting. Where Jesus said to pray like this, this breaks the Lords Prayer down into sections of content to model your prayers after. 1. PRAISE Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, • Invoke the sanctifying name of God • Recognize God for who he is • Praise him as our loving heavenly Father – Abba – the God who is close and who cares • Praise him for his holiness (“hallowedness”) • Perhaps you’ll want to pray through some of God’s other attributes 2. AGENDA ...your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. • Pray for God’s will to come about in whatever the pressing situations are • Pray for the government and all who are in leadership – presidents and governors, local leaders, that they might be sensitive to God’s kingdom agenda • Pray for the church as the primary agents of God’s kingdom that we might be faithful to our mission • Pray for the spread of God’s kingdom through mission work and personal evangelism • Pray for missionaries and church leaders • Pray for the justice and peace that reflect the presence of God’s kingdom – his reign • Pray for people in your own circle of family and friends who need to welcome Jesus and his agenda into their lives • Pray for those who are struggling with health or other personal issues – that God’s will would be done in the situation and that his kingdom would be advanced through it • Pray for the second coming of Jesus. 3. PROVISION Give us today our daily bread. • Ask God to provide those things that you need to get through the day – food, water, home, finances • Ask God to provide spiritual bread – a Word from him that would encourage you for the day • “OUR daily bread” – pray for the basic needs of others – especially those who seem to be without – for those in our community and those abroad who are going hungry • In asking give thanks for his provision • In asking be open to the fact that God might be calling you to help provide for the daily needs of others 4. FORGIVENESS Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. • Examine your life and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your own sinful attitudes and actions – seek God’s forgiveness • Thank God for the forgiveness that is ours through the cross and the resurrection of Christ Jesus • Repent of the things which need to be forgiven – that is, set a new course, a new direction • Pray for those who have sinned against you – forgive them and ask God to forgive them – whether or not those people recognize their need for forgiveness • Pray for the people who have made themselves enemies – either of you personally or your people and country 5. PROTECTION Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. • Ask God to get you and others through the tough times • Pray for protection from all that is evil – whether it be spirits or attitudes or political powers • Pray that your salvation would actually be made even more sure through the times of trial • Pray for the safety of those in the hotspots (wars, earthquakes, famines, etc) around the world • Ask God to protect the faith of those who are persecuted because of their faith in Christ 6. DOXOLOGY For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen. • While not a part of the original prayer in the New Testament this is a good way to conclude your prayer – with a word of praise that summarizes all that has been spoken
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:52:51 +0000

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