School Day Devo Parent Set-Up - An umbrella if you have one - TopicsExpress


School Day Devo Parent Set-Up - An umbrella if you have one close by Patter (the talk) - True story from me - When I was about 22 years old I hopped on a skateboard and went down a very long and steep hill. My friend was following me in a car. The board began to wobble, and I knew I was losing control, so I headed to the side of the road. When I jumped, my intention was to run as fast as I could until I could slow down and stop. I didn’t realize I was going 35 mph when I jumped. My feet hit, then my shoulder, my head, my bottom, my head....several times, I suffered a broken collar bone, and went to the hospital. I suffered because I tried something I had no business doing, and I lost control. Our final Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 is SELF-CONTROL. Simply put, it’s learning to live for the good pleasure of the Lord and to do the will of God. (Philippians 2:13) In order to do His good will with our lives, we must learn, and live the process that produces self control. Self control is not just about staying away from sinful things, and things that can hurt you. It’s also about daily walking with Jesus, as you read scripture, pray, have devotions as a family, and love others. Without discipline to do the right things, you WILL struggle in doing the wrong things. Proverbs has two great scriptures that show the difference. The first one is Proverbs 25:28 - “Like a city whose walls are broken through, is a person who lacks self-control.” The other is Proverbs 16:32 - “Better a person...with self-control than one who takes a city. We see here that the scripture is saying there is no godly protection when you lack self control, and that self control has eternal value. An umbrella protects you from the rain as long as you stay under its open canopy. The safety of God’s hand is found as we discipline ourselves to live according to the Word of God, and produce self-control. You will find in life the biggest spiritual enemy you have is yourself, if you lack self control. So, as you face your school and classmates today, trust God to help you. It’s not our strength that will win, but His strength in us as we pursue self control and self discipline. Say NO to things you should say no to, and immediately ask the Father to help you stay true to truth. Pray today for your children to have strength and control to do the right things in every situation. Pray God’s love over them, and remind them that God loves regardless of our sin and mistakes - prayer to keep their hearts sensitive towards seeking repentance, and seeking the Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:59:33 +0000

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