School board candidate Miner made a poor choice To the - TopicsExpress


School board candidate Miner made a poor choice To the editor: I found it quite interesting that in a current climate where most citizens desperately search for more transparency among our elected officials that Washington County school board candidate Ryan Miner chose to have a “ghost letter” criticizing fellow candidate Stan Stouffer sent to The Herald-Mail from someone who didn’t even know Mr. Stouffer as a teacher, coach or maybe even an acquaintance. School board members make critical decisions for our most precious resources — our children — and certainly trust has to be one of the pillars of a board member’s character. Standing up for what you believe would be high on that priority list also. If it is your opinion and you feel strongly, then own it. But Mr. Miner first threw Ms. Sheffler, who only tagged the letter with her name, under the bus saying “she agreed to send the letter.” He then tried to flippantly pass off the underhanded tactic as “a common practice.” The only thing Mr. Miner stated that indeed had some veracity is that the letter “is being used as a negative” but certainly not just by the “slate” of which he speaks. The fact that there was an attempted character assassination and the originator of the negative letter didn’t want it traced to his own email is both underhanded and a little cowardly. Neither of those traits are good ones for any politician. When my children were young, they enjoyed Dr. Seuss. One lesson they learned very early is quoted best by the famous children’s author: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” The direction this campaign took was a poor choice. And, unfortunately, that direction should not include a Washington County Board of Education seat for Mr. Miner. Bill Sterner, Hancock from todays Herald Mail.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:05:52 +0000

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