Schools ordered to plug gap between rich and poor pupils. Top - TopicsExpress


Schools ordered to plug gap between rich and poor pupils. Top schools will be stripped of their “outstanding” status for failing to narrow the gap between rich and poor pupils under new plans to overhaul the inspection system, it was announced today. Ofsted will reprimand schools that register good headline exam results while allowing a small minority of children from working-class families to lag behind, ministers said. It also emerged that the progress made by the poorest pupils would be added to official school-by-school league tables – naming and shaming those institutions that fail to “shoulder the responsibility” of supporting deprived children. The move comes after Sir Michael Wilshaw, the chief inspector, warned last month of an "invisible minority" of disadvantaged pupils who were being let down by schools in leafy suburbs and market towns. It is believed that the reforms could lead to some of the 4,614 state schools in England currently rated outstanding – Ofsted’s highest score – being downgraded. The new-style inspections were outlined as the Government unveiled a package of reforms intended to tackle “unacceptably low” standards among pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. According to figures, fewer than four-in-10 poor pupils currently gain good GCSE grades, compared with two-thirds of other teenagers. The Coalition has already introduced the “pupil premium” – a £2.5bn-a-year fund to raise standards among children eligible for free school meals. An independent evaluation of the programme published today found that 80 per cent of secondary schools and 67 per cent of primary schools had introduced extra support for deprived children as a direct result of the scheme, which is worth £900 for each pupil from low-income families. But it emerged that too many schools were prioritising measures that often fail to raise standards, including hiring more teaching assistants. David Laws, the Schools Minister, said that Ofsted would now be given a specific remit to hold teachers to account for the “performance and progress of pupil premium pupils in their inspections”. The Department for Education insisted it was “unlikely that a school will be judged ‘outstanding’ if its disadvantaged pupils are not making good progress”. From September, Ofsted will measure the “in-school gap” in results between poor pupils and their richer classmates, meaning schools will be marked down even if a handful of deprived children fail to keep up. Currently, 19 per cent of state primaries and 26 per cent of secondary schools in England are rated as outstanding. In a further move, school league tables will contain a three-year rolling average showing the performance of poor pupils within each institution. Mr Laws said: “It is vital we support disadvantaged pupils to fulfil their potential. We introduced the pupil premium to give head teachers a funding boost to achieve that aim and the evaluation showed promising signs of its impact. “However, there is much more to be done. Disadvantaged pupils’ attainment is unacceptably low compared with their peers. “Schools must shoulder the responsibility to reverse that, and the government must help them do that as well as hold them to account.” As part of the reforms, the Government also announced that John Dunford, former general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, was being appointed as the Government’s new “Pupil Premium Champion”. He will be tasked with ensuring that schools are spending the money properly. Other measures include sending outstanding head teachers into the worst schools to conduct a “pupil premium review” to focus the cash more effectively.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 05:26:12 +0000

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