Scientific GOD Journal | July 2014 | Volume 5 | Issue 6 | pp. - TopicsExpress


Scientific GOD Journal | July 2014 | Volume 5 | Issue 6 | pp. 434-462 Irwin, K., A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime ISSN: 2153-831X Scientific GOD Journal Published by Scientific GOD, Inc. SciGOD 434 Article A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime Klee Irwin* Quantum Gravity Research, California, USA Abstract Through careful deduction, it becomes clear that information cannot exist without consciousness – the awareness of things. And to be aware is to hold the meaning of relationships of objects within consciousness – perceiving abstract objects, while enjoying degrees of freedom within the structuring of those relationships. This defines consciousness as language – (1) a set of objects and (2) an ordering scheme with (3) degrees of freedom used for (4) expressing meaning. And since even information at the Planck scale cannot exist without consciousness, we propose an entity called a “primitive unit of consciousness”, which acts as a mathematical operator in a quantized spacetime language. Quasicrystal mathematics based on E8 geometry seems to be a candidate for the language of reality, possessing several qualities corresponding to recent physical discoveries and various physically realistic unification models. Key Words: quasicrystal, primitive unit, consciousness, quantized spacetime, Planck scale, hard problem, E8 geometry, quasicrystalline language. Introduction There is much confusion among scientists regarding the idea that consciousness interacts with microscopic physical reality. Without deep subject matter expertise, many good scientists presume the idea of consciousness to be within the realm of philosophy and neuroscience. Indeed it is, but it is more fundamentally within the realm of Planck scale quantum gravity theory – specifically a microscopic first principles theory of everything. So to break the ice, we being this document with some comments by some of the titans of physics: Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. — Erwin Schrödinger The stuff of the world is mind-stuff. — Arthur Eddington We do not find obvious evidence of life or mind in so-called inert matter…; but if the scientific point of view is correct, we shall ultimately find them, at least in rudimentary form, all through the universe. — J. B. S. Haldane Mind or something of the nature as mind must exist throughout the entire universe. This is, I * Correspondence: Klee Irvin, Quantum Gravity Research, California, USA. Email: [email protected] GOD Journal | July 2014 | Volume 5 | Issue 6 | pp. 434-462 Irwin, K., A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime ISSN: 2153-831X Scientific GOD Journal Published by Scientific GOD, Inc. SciGOD 435 believe, the truth. — Julian Huxley The laws of physics leave a place for mind in the description of every molecule… In other words, mind is already inherent in every electron, and the processes of human consciousness differ only in degree and not in kind. — Freeman Dyson That which we experience as mind… will in a natural way ultimately reach the level of the wavefunction and of the dance of the particles. There is no unbridgeable gap or barrier between any of these levels… It is implied that, in some sense, a rudimentary consciousness is present even at the level of particle physics. — David Bohm How physical processes create a subjective sense of experience, or “consciousness”, is unknown. David Chalmers calls this “the hard problem” [5]. The definition and even existence of consciousness is debated. The problem has been grappled with primarily by philosophers, neuroscientists and psychologists with little success over the last few decades [6-9]. We believe the hard problem may be a false question. Many scholarly works have been published suggesting that fundamental physics related to quantum mechanics (QM) may play a role [towards solving the hard problem] [10-15]. However, little progress has been made, possibly due to the fact that mankind has not yet discovered a “microscopic first principles” theory of everything (TOE). QM and general relativity are not theories of everything. And there is no first principles TOE, i.e., a model with no plugged physical constants. The belief system and culture of pre-QM era institutional science is deeply embedded into our society, especially in the hard sciences. And one of the memes of this system is that consciousness is a phenomenon restricted to brains made of atoms. Unfortunately, this bias blocks serious academic work on ontological questions regarding foundational physics. Ontology, the inquiry into what reality is, seems to be the logical starting point for both the hard problem of consciousness and a first principles TOE. We propose a rigorous deductive approach to help scientists to think more critically about the most fundamental questions of reality. 1. What Does Scientific Observation Tell Us About the Nature of Reality? 1.1 Physical Reality Is Information Einstein’s theories indicate that matter is a form of bound up energy. Pre-QM era physics suggests energy is the potential for work. A potentiality, like a tendency, is informational. If all particles are a form of energy, and if we consider a frozen moment of reality (a “mosaic” of some unknown Planck length objects), then everything is the potential (information) for work because in each frozen Plank time moment, no work (change) is occurring. But what is “work” at this microscopic foundation of reality? We can discuss this using the related terms “force” and “energy”. Of course, energy is the potential for work. And work for a fundamental particle is merely a change to its direction or rate of movement under a force, a form of influence causing this change. The reader may notice that this is circular and convoluted because we know there is an equivalency between mass and energy – and by extension matter. For purposes of making Scientific GOD Journal | July 2014 | Volume 5 | Issue 6 | pp. 434-462 Irwin, K., A Quasicrystalline Language of “Primitive Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime ISSN: 2153-831X Scientific GOD Journal Published by Scientific GOD, Inc. SciGOD 436 this point more clear, we shall again refer to matter as “a form of bound up energy” and rephrase the definition of “energy” thusly: Energy is the potential for a change in the direction or speed of a particle, i.e., a “bound up quantity of energy”. Reduced further: Energy is the potential for a velocity of a of a quantity of bound up energy. The circular nature of this unpacking of high school level classical definitions is a helpful way to realize that, fundamentally, reality is made of information not some absolute stuff that we label as mass or energy or even spacetime. The importance of belaboring this point is that realizing that reality is made of information requires us to conjecture what mind is perceiving the information, since all information is the stuff of mind. Quantum mechanics speaks to the energy/mass = information idea in two different ways: First, it tells us that fundamental particles do not undergo continuous smooth movement from one location to the next. In fact, it tells us that motion itself does not exist. Instead, reality is a sequence of frozen frames, where a particle is here and then there, with no motion in between – like flashing one hundred sequential still photographs on a computer monitor to create the illusion of motion. Within each frozen frame there is no change or motion, there is only a change between two or more frames observed by the observer. There is no work occurring in the classic idea of what work is. It is pure information. Second, the most popular interpretation of quantum mechanics, the Copenhagen interpretation, teaches us a bold new ontology that is disturbing to some who have thought deeply about it. Until a conscious entity measures/observes a particle, it does not exist in the same notion of reality that our common sense indicates we live in. It requires us to question the very nature of reality. It is important to
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:44:46 +0000

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