Scotland is a real country. Real countries should have real - TopicsExpress


Scotland is a real country. Real countries should have real governments, right? I love England and English people as much as I love Scotland and Scottish people, but this is not about them. Its about politics and INDEPENDENCE! Lets PLEASE all consider this very carefully before we vote tomorrow. Dont be scared by some of the shameful no campaigns efforts. Youre not going to immediately lose your job. Youre going to have a currency. Even if if the oil does run out in 40 years, it was going to run out anyway, whether we are independent or not. What about our fish? What about tourism? What about Whiskey? What about our epic universities? We are an ACE country! Of course theres going to be a learning curve, but an independent Scotland will be fine, just fine. Hey, things might even vastly improve. Things havent exactly been perfect in Scotland the past 20 years, lets not forget that! In an independent Scotland at least the people who would comprise our government would actually live in Scotland and be, well, Scottish. Its time to try something new. Its been a long time coming! I vote YES because Scotland, like England, deserves its own government. Lets get this straight, this isnt about nationalism or pride, its about getting a tiny bit closer to self determination!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:09:49 +0000

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