Screw it. I feel like being controversial today. Two things: 1) - TopicsExpress


Screw it. I feel like being controversial today. Two things: 1) all this junk about pouring cold water yourself to promote ALS awareness is one of the most ridiculous things Ive ever heard. WTF is awareness to begin with. Were all aware of ALS. Awareness is just a meaningless modern buzzword. Does this help cure ALS? Heres a wacky idea: everyone donate 10 bucks to the cause. That msy actually help. Oh and this isnt to rip on those who have done it. And if anyone thinks Im somehow being insensitive to ALS sufferers, please slap yourself. 2) All this junk about the economy improving is BS as well. Look at all the new jobs! Sorry if I dont count Wal-Mart and Lowes as quality jobs. I know tons of career people who cant find a decent job. Bottom line? I like to cut through BS and 90% of everything we see and experience is BS. But people rather fool themselves into believing what is convenient to them, easy for them or suita to their purposes. Theyre more than happy to go through with blinders on. I am not one of these people. Feel free to pound away on me if makes anyone feel better.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:08:40 +0000

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