Season 3: Life After Matric Episode 12: When The Past Becomes - TopicsExpress


Season 3: Life After Matric Episode 12: When The Past Becomes The Present The next morning, she woke early and prepared herself to go fetch her man. He was being discharged and she wanted to be there as his cornerstone and the pillar of his strength. Her love had somehow shadowed the pain that she withstood the previous day, though the idea of him being a father didnt sit well with her. It would selfish of her to convince him to tell Sizakele to abort the child, but then the thought didnt pass her mind at all. Enjoy it while it lasts she would tell herself, and so she gave it her all. She then got into her car and then she drove to the hospital, and when she got there, they told her that she wont see him because she came too early and that she had to wait for the visiting hours. So she sat by the bench and waited, anxious and excited at the same time. While she sat there, a girl came over and sat near her. The girl was pregnant and her belly was greatly showing. She was very kind and a bit sweet. Hello, my name is Sizakele, and you? She said. They spoke for sometime and it dawn on Zanele that the guy might be the one that her lover once loved. But then her words somehow circled the same place, just as vultures flying over some prey, her words were simple, and for sometime, she kept on saying, ubaba ka Zweli. The seemed a bit lost and so Zanele didnt take anything that she said seriously. After sometime, Odwas mother came, and Sizakele stood up and went to her. They hugged each other and they seemed happy to see one another. They stood by the door and talked for sometime, Sophie was shocked to see her there. She was certain that whatever Odwa and her had was over. Though she couldnt disregard the tiny belly on the girl, and so she asked and Sizakele told her that she is about to have herself a grandchild. Sophie was marveled by this to such an extent that she hugged the girl and told her that she wouldnt choose any other girl to have her grandchild. Sadly, Zanele stood within a remote distance and watched those two bond. Sophie didnt see her at first, and this frustrated Zanele, because at times, Odwas mother glanced within her direction and didnt do anything, not even a wave. She then somehow made up her mind that her boyfriends mother would never truly accept her into the family, not with what she had just found out. So she sat there and acted as if she didnt care. Sophie then saw Zanele and then she went to her. She walked slowly as she held Sizakeles hand, Zanele, unjani? this is Sizakele, I am sure that you have heard of her. She also came to see Odwa. Please sit with her as I go and check on Odwa. Zanele was furious and couldnt hide it. Sizakele sat there and laughed to herself, she knew that she had some power over Zanele, without really speaking, the girls knew that everything was about to change. Life would rather be hard for Zanele from that day forward. And to think that Sphe was the one that told Sizakele about the accident. Though she didnt realize who she was talking to, Sizakeles numbers were not stored in his phone, and so when she called, Sphe told her about his whereabouts, and somehow forgot to ask who the caller was. So Shortly after that, Sophie came back with Odwa, walking as slow they could, because the wounds were still a bit sore. When they got to them, Odwa kissed Zanele in front of Sizi and his mother, and they were both irritated, though Sizakele was more jealous about it. They then left the hospital. Zanele followed them because she came with her own car and the other three took the other car. Inside Sophies car, they somehow emphasized on the idea of him being a father and he got irritated that Sizakele told his mother and so he glanced outside the window and remained quiet the whole way as they prated about the beautiful life that Sizakele and him are going to have. Sophie was being unfair, because, in her wording, she barely mentioned Zanele in any account. It was as if she didnt see a future in their relationship. Odwa was greatly irritated by this and so he shouted to the top of his voice, which was a bit low due to the broken ribs. I love Zanele and she is the only woman I want in my life. As for you Sizi, you cheated on me more than I can count, so go easy on that youre the father crap. I will only believe you when I see the dna tests. Mom, youre being unfair, the poor has never done anything to you, she adores you, and yet you speak so poorly about her. Yazin ne, if you cant accept my relationship with uZanele, then keep out of our business. He spoke in a formal manner, firm and upright and his words were vastly heard, and so for some time there was an awkward silence. The took many turns, and went to their new house, as a surprise for Odwa. Sadly, Zanele got lost along the way, and so returned back to her house and asked Sphe if they were at her house, and then she was told that they went to their new house. A few hours later, she picked Sphe and then they went to Odwas new home. When they got there, they found them eating in formal setting, seated with aprons, fork and knives on the table. Everything was elegant and so they felt as if they were disturbing and so, they sat at the dinning room because all the chairs were occupied. Sophie dished some food for them, and they ate. The simplest things drove Zanele insane, she couldnt stand the sight of Sizakele, and how free she was. From the way that she dressed to the way that she sliced his meat. It was as if she didnt notice that Zanele was there, she behaved as if she was still in a relationship with him. It killed Zanele to such an extent that she didnt even finish her meal, and so she got up and went to her car. And thats the girl that you love.. Wow Sizakele said. Odwa got up and took a leap of faith in each step as he went to check on her. She got inside the car in such a hurry and took out some tissue paper as tears dripped from her face. As she was busy fixing her make-up, she heard a knock on the window, and so she got out, and the guy apologized for everything that he caused her. What killed her the most, was the fact that he didnt do anything, and yet everything he didnt do intentionally drove her insane. The fact that he didnt stop the other girl from being that free around him. She told him that she cannot stand the girl and that she doesnt see how their new arrangement is going to work, because it was the first day that they met and yet she was up to her neck already. Odwa spoke elegantly once more and told the girl that she had nothing to worry about and that its over between him and that girl. She believed him and then they went back inside. As they entered the house, Zanele looked at the couch and her friend was no longer there, she went to the rest room to powder her nose. So Zanele and Odwa sat there and bonded as his entire family watched. Sizakele was furious and so she insisted on cleaning up the dishes. She packed all the dirty dishes, and as she took them to the kitchen sink, she saw the couple kissing and she dropped all those plates and they all broke from that impact.. More episodes tomorrow,
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:59:22 +0000

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