Sebby is a Man for all West Papua Background and Biodata of - TopicsExpress


Sebby is a Man for all West Papua Background and Biodata of Sebby Sambom Sebby Sambom was born in a remote village, Kembisek, Worowi 3th in January 1975 in the base area of tribal warfare between Landikma and Abenaho. Born in the base region of the war, because my father is A Warlords (Yanggaharom Sambom deceased), which controls the border region between Landikma and Abenaho. Mother of Sebby is (Yukhe Loho), came to Abenaho from Landikma and marred with dad of Sebby, peace to a war that never ends in life of Yali tribe of North Yali, West Papua. Until then eat human society Yali tribe (Canibal), from the results of the war game. Based on history, my mother (Yukhe Loho) came to Abenaho around 1956, who later married (Yanggaharom Sambom). Mother with his fathers wedding Sebby is aimed, to make contact relations war peace, between Landikma and Abenaho. After that, came a Dutch Foreign Missionaries of Canada (Gerid Kuijt) through the service mission of ZGG / NRC- the Nertherland Reformation of churh, in 1963 in Abenaho or now called Pass - Valley by Missionaries of Zending NRC. In 1977 there has been a genocide in Jayawijaya fluctuation, which has Commando by Alber Dien (late) Dandim Jayawijaya at that time. This fluctuation Sebby was 3 years old, and the father Sebby leave family in refugee camps in the area of Hulikma. Dad left us and went with 6 members troops to the border between Kobakma and Abenaho, in order to stop the war that continued settlement scorched earth. This war long enough and a long journey, from Wamena town, to Piramit, Karubaga, Kelila, Bokondini, Iluga, Eragiam, Ninugahis, Mbabu, Aundam, Kobakma, Up in Witlanggo. With the background of the father of Sebby Sambom above, then from childhood Sebby Sambom educated appropriate disciplinary cultural customs of war North Yali tribe. Of basic education is the father, after entering elementary school in YPK Pass - Valley in the year 1982 - 1987, Sebby Sambom study hard and discipline during the 7-year follow education, and all school activities run smoothly and completing elementary in 1987/1988. Then continued his education at junior level in Wamena (SMP PGRI-Wamena), and graduated in 1990/1991. Then continuing education SMA in Sorong (SUPM / SPP Sorong) or Special School Programs Fisheries, from 1991 and completed 1993/1994. After completion of the School of Fisheries in sliding, once the extension Honoree in YAKPESMI Foundation or the Dutch missionary (Ir. Lend Stock) in the region and Nipsan Abenaho. In 1995/1996 Sebby Sambom apply for a permit to the missionary college, but they told him that should work 3 years and thereafter may obtain a study permit from the sponsor. Permission denied college, then Sebby Sambom continue to implement the intention to seek college to Jakarta and leave the work in the foundation built by the Dutch missionary. From Jakarta, Sebby Sambom proceeded to Bandung and stayed with Mr. Buma Socratez Sofyan Yoman with the family, because it happened at that time Mr. Yoman was studying in the Bible Institute of Tyrannus Cimahi, Bandung. Then to Yogyakarta for the college, and Sebby Sambom went to college at the Academy of Fishery Yogyakarta in 1996/1997. In 1996/1997, Sebby Sambom also committed and active participate in Papua Student activist in Yogyakarta, from Sorong to Merauke. In 1997 Papuan Students Activist in Yogyakarta has been declared Forum Student Movement, Students, Youth and Community Irian Jaya (GEMPPAMI), with brother Andy Asmuruf Chairman and Secretary General of Japheth Agapa. In this Declaration Papua Students in Yogyakarta agreed and committed to fight for the fate of the West Papuan People who live in misery. On the basis of commitments in the Declaration of Papuan Students in Yogyakarta, then on May 4, 1998 has made the first demonstration at the office of Provincial Parliament DIY and continues to kepatihan Yogyakarta Special Region Governors Office. In the first demo in the Student Papua, has submitted some demands. Contents The charges are: 1. Stop the Military Operassi (DOM) in the land of Papua 2. Stop the Delivery Transmigration in the land of Papua 3. Stop the Family Planning in Papua 4. Stop Genocide (Destruction Race) in Papua 5. Review Act of 1969 and Referendum for West Papuansimmediately The second demo GEMPPAMI is to Jakarta on July 20, 1998, and raising the Morning Star flag in front of the UNDP / UN Representative in Tamrin Street, Sarinah, Jakarta, Indonesia. In July, 1998, 100 Papuan Students return to Papua to consolidation. 100 Students include (Sebby Sambom), due to the political situation at that time rocking post-Reformation and East Timor also tightened in July 1998-July 1999. Consolidation in the base ranging from Nabire, Jayapura to Wamena. In August 1999 to Jogjakarta, to go to college. Completion of the course in the year 2000/2001 at the Academy of Fishery and continue to studying at High School of Foreign Languages Collegae-LIA Yogyakarta on S1 English Literature. In the period 1999-2005, Sebby Sambom are permanent members and organizations active in Papua Students Alliance (AMP) International. Papuan Student Alliance is known by Demianus Wanimbo, in the period 1999-2005, this organization is that which has been accommodated, all elements of the movement of students. Motto International AMP is X1414, and AMP have worked long in terms of raising the issue of human rights violations on the people of West Papua. The main program and the continuity of the International AMP is Review An Act of Free Choices in 1969 and Referendum again for the people of West Papua . Sebby Sambom including founder and implementing programs that always activ period 1999-2005. Papuan Student Alliance Program (AMP) International nice fulfilled are: - Political Education Program - Consolidated Basis - International and National Campaign About Human Rights Abuses in West Papua - Publication Continuity of the programs above, AMP International has framework many patriots of West Papuan children who have high ideology with a clear commitment. In 2003 police in Wamena catch Sebby Sambom and detained in cells Jayawijaya. Later, Indonesian police cutof Sebby Sambom hair with a bayonet. Cutting the hair is very giving bitterness inside Sebby Sambom. Because the polices cut hair while saying that youre a big OPM and when independence. Useless and other insulting words, also I have received a great torture by police officers at the time. After that Sebby Sambom back to Yogyakarta to finish college at S1 English Literature, but the concentration of Sebby Sambom divided due tortures experienced in Wamena in 2003 in Jayawijaya. Finally in 2004 left the college, then to Papua New Guinea. From Papua New Guinea, back again to Jogjakarta. Then in 2005 left full tuition and return to Papua, and to investigate human rights violations that by the Government of Republik of Indonesia, has been and is being done in Papua. Indonesian government commit human rights violations by the security forces against Papuans. In 2005-2006 Sebby Sambom fixed duty investigation, which then perform or provide reports to the International community through Papua diplomats that exist around the world. Reports Sebby will Sambom are deposited on the website:; are always updated on the Website by Mr. Richard Samuelson and Mr. Benny Wenda et all; Papuan human rights and campaign films in The film is in collaboration with the staff of University of Oxford, United Kingdom (Simon James); please visit the Websites above to prove it. In 2007 joined with other activist friends are, Markus Haluk, Buchtar Tabuni and fellow Human Rights activists in Jayapura in Papua other and push the agenda of defending the basic rights of Papuan people. In the main agenda is demanding human rights activists, the death of Democracy, Laws and Justice are not in favor of indigenous Papuans. Activists also encourage agenda failure of Special Autonomy and Review Act of Free Choices in 1969 and the International Dialogue is open to re-implement and referendum, for the people of West Papua. Finally Sebby Sambom arrested on 17 December 2008 by the Indonesian National Police (Anti Criminal Police of Papua), on charges of criminal acts Makar of Demo were support of Launch of IPWP in London, England, on 16th October 2008 in Papua and on 15 October 2008 in London, England. This arrested was engineered and Full Politis, which conflict with the International Covenant which has been accepted and endorsed by the UN General Assembly on December 16th, in 1966; in article 19, 2 and Act No. 9 of 1998 and Act No. 12 of 2005 on the Ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Over. Then, Sebby Sambom trial in the District Court of Class IA Jayapura and subsequently sentenced to punishment Robber 2 years by Judge (Manungku Prasetyo SH Cs). This prison sentence of 2 years is discriminatory and violates the law of Human Rights, which guaranteed international human rights law, as well as unfounded and without justice. Ending this Biodata, there are 3 Fundamental Questions Before answered are: First, Why are you on the cutting edge? We tip of the spear, for carrying out the mandate of the Lord Jesus, to defend the people of God for the sake of the People of West Papuans to Liberation. Secondly, What is your political commitment? Political commitment of Sebby Sambom (An Independent Activis) is: Keep raising the issue of human rights violations on West Papuans, the international community through the existing Papua diplomats and also through the offices of human rights around the world with the target drive the agenda at the UN, to the birth of the International dialogue and Review of the An Act of Free Choices in 1969 and Referendum that then for the people of Papua, according the International Covenant Part I-Article 1 Paragraph 1, 2 and 3. Third, your dream for West Papua? I have a dream, only for west Papuans Freedom and I am with my people have to fight for full FREEDOM on the own motherland. So, will be going to as well as possible. And everything is well done ... .. !!! Freedom never come with out fight.We believe and we have fighting since 2014. For Justice, Peace and Freedom By Sebby Sambom An Independence Activist of West Papua Former West Papuan Political Prisoner Lampiran (Attachments) or News of Sebby Arrested: Recognition in Release Urgent Appeal Programme by the Institute of Human Rights Based in Hong Kong (The Asian Human Rights Commission), pertaining to arrests Sebby Sambom by Indonesian National Police (Police Papua). The definition is: UPDATE (Indonesia): Another activist arrested for holding a peaceful protest ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-071-2008 20-December-2008 [RE: Re: AHRC-UAC-262-2008: INDONESIA: Rights activist Buktar Tabuni arrested after peaceful protests] --------------------------------------------------------------------- INDONESIA: Another activist arrested for holding a peaceful protest ISSUES: Human rights defenders; arbitrary arrest and detention; administration of justice --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that another activist has been arrested and charged with subversion over his role in organizing a peaceful protest two months ago. His arrest took place as he and his colleagues had just concluded a press conference calling for the release of an activist whom the police had earlier arrested in connection with the protest. UPDATED INFORMATION: As mentioned in our previous appeal (AHRC-UAC-262-2008), activist Mr. Buchtar Tabuni had been arrested on 3 December 2008. He has been charged with treason and his arrest was in connection with the peaceful protest he and his colleagues have helped organized two months ago, October 16. A few days after Tabunis arrest, activist Mr. Seblom Sambom, was also arrested at around 11:30am on 17 December 2008 in Sentani - Jayapura in the Theys Eluay Memorial park. At the time of his arrest, Sambom had just concluded a press conference they had conducted which calls for the release of Tabuni. The arresting policemen, the Papuan Police Criminal Investigation Division (CID), had taken him into their custody without showing to him any arrest warrants. It was learned later though that he has been charge with subversion in connection with the October 16 protest. At the time of his arrest, the Papuan Police CID arrived on the scene and had immediately proceeded to arrest Sambom. No explanation was given to him as to the nature of charges laid on him nor was he informed why he is being arrested. The police, too, did not provide him any answer to questions he and others have asked. Sambom is a human rights activist and is also a member of the committee of International Parliamentarians for West Papua in Papua. He has since been an outspoken supporter of the Papuans struggle for self determination and independence. On October 16, 2008, both Tabuni and Sambom helped organize a peaceful demonstration supporting the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) in London. He had organized the said protest in cooperation with Tabuni. After his arrest, Sambom was taken to the police headquarters. They had arrived there at about 1:20 pm. He was immediately taken to the investigation room where he was subjected for questioning for more than four hours consecutively. The investigation of Sambom was closed to the public and the police as well had refused to answer any inquiries about the arrest. They also did not disclose any information to any media organizations there. According to the information given by Samboms lawyers Iwan Niode and Latifah Anum Siregar, the arrest was due to his role in organizing the October 16 protest. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) was launched at the Houses of Commons, London on 15 October 2008. The event was a historical international gathering of Parliamentarians, in support of self determination for the native people of West Papua. The launch in Parliament was co-hosted by Andrew Smith MP and Lord Harries. The aim of the group is to coordinate international parliamentary action on West Papua and to generate support for the self determination of the now Indonesian province. The demonstration held in support of the IPWP on October 16 in Papua was peaceful, and in accordance with domestic Indonesian law Law No. 9/1998 on freedom of expression, nevertheless the Indonesian security forces had used the said occasion in filing questionable charges of treason and subversion against those who organized the protest. It eventually resulted to the arrest of the activists there. Prior to the arrest of these two activists though, on October 17, 2008, an activist Yosias Syet has also been murdered in his own home in Waibron, Jayapura Regency, Papua. For further details please read: AHRC-UAC-261-2008. Indicators suggest that the perpetrators were from the Indonesian security forces. The alleged involvement of the Indonesian security forces into arrest, harassment, murder and torture of activists in Papua has been taking place in a systematic and in an alarming scale. The arrests are sanctioned by domestic Indonesian law, which criminalizes any attempt to bring the territory of the state wholly or partially under foreign domination or to separate part thereof (from article 106 of the Indonesian Penal Code) In past cases of detention of rights activists in Papua, torture has been frequently used during interrogation and detention. It is hence plausible that Sambom could have had suffered from the same treatment during his current detention. SUGGESTED ACTION: Please write a letter to the concerned authorities below requesting for their appropriate intervention promptly. These activists should be released unconditionally and that charges laid on them are withdrawn. The AHRC has also written to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders calling for intervention in this case. To support this appeal, please click here: SAMPLE LETTER: Dear __________, Re: INDONESIA: Another activist arrested for holdinga peaceful protest Name of victim: Mr. Seblom Sambom, 30 years of age Alleged perpetrators: Criminal Investigation Division of the Police in Papua Date of incident: 17 December 2008 at 11:30am Place of incident: Sentani, Jayapura, Papua I am appalled to learn of the arrest of Mr. Seblom Sambom on 17 December 2008. According to the information that I have received, Sambom was taken into custody on charges of subversion. He was arrested by personnel from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Papuan police. No arrest warrant was presented at the time of the arrest, and Sambom is currently being held in detention. Sambom is a devoted rights activist, and a member of the committee of International Parliamentarians for West Papua in Papua. In that capacity he has helped organize a demonstration in support of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua in London, on 16 October 2008. The demonstration on October 16 was conducted in a peaceful manner, and was in accordance with the regulations found in domestic Indonesian law No. 9/1998 on freedom of expression. Despite this though, the said occasion had been used by the security forces of filing questionable charges of treason and subversion on activist which also resulted to Sambom arrest and detention since 17 December 2008. First, I urge you to ensure that Sambom be immediately and unconditionally released from custody. I am deeply concerned that unless he is released and charges withdrawn, there is likelihood that he would be subjected to torture. Further, the charges against him should be dropped, since he was acting in accordance with domestic Indonesian law when organizing the demonstration on October 16, 2008. Further I want to draw your attention to the pressing need for a reform of the Indonesian Penal Code, especially with regards to article 106. This article is clearly conflicting with fundamental freedoms of the individual, such as the freedom of expression. Additionally, the article is in contradiction with domestic Indonesian law. Voicing ones political opinion is a fundamental freedom, but one which is frequently denied the indigenous population of Papua. This is a very serious concern, which I trust that you take seriously. Yours sincerely; -------------------------- An Indonesian: Latar Belakang dan Biodata Sebby Sambom Sebby Sambom lahir di kampung terpencil, Kembisek, Worowi 3, Januari 1975 di daerah basis perang suku antara Landikma dan Abenaho. Lahir di daerah basis perang, karena ayah saya adalah Seorang Panglima perang (Yanggaharom sambom Almarhum), yang menguasai wilayah perbatasan antara Landikma dan Abenaho. Ibu Sebby (Yukhe Loho), datang ke Abenaho dari Landikma dan menikahi dengan ayah Sebby, guna perdamaian perang yang tak pernah berakhir dalam kehidupan suku Yali Utara, Papua Barat. Sampai saat itu masyarakat suku Yali makan manusia (Canibal), dari hasil buruan perang. Berdasarkan Sejarah, ibu saya (Yukhe Loho) datang ke Abenaho sekitar Tahun 1956, yang kemudian menikah dengan (Yanggaharom Sambom). Pernikahan Ibu dengan ayahnya Sebby adalah bertujuan, untuk melakukan kontak hubungan perdamaian perang, antara Landikma dan Abenaho. Setelah itu, datanglah seorang Missionaris Asal Belanda dari Canada (Gerid Kuijt) melalui missi pelayanan dari ZGG /NRC- the Nertherland Reformation of Churh, pada tahun 1963 di Abenaho atau sekarang diberi nama Pass - Valley oleh Missionaris dari Zending NRC. Pada tahun 1977 telah terjadi kejolak pembantaian etnis di Jayawijaya, yang telah Comandokan oleh Alber Dien (alm) Dandim Jayawijaya pada waktu itu. Gejolak ini Sebby baru berusia 3 tahun, dan ayah Sebby tinggalkan Keluarga di tempat pengungsian di daerah Hulikma. Ayah tinggalkan kami dan pergi dengan 6 anggota pasukannya ke perbatasan antara Kobakma dan Abenaho, guna menghentikan perang yang terus membumi hanguskan perkampungan. Perang ini cukup lama dan menempuh perjalanan panjang, yaitu dari Wamena kota, ke Piramit, Karubaga, Kelila, Bokondini, Iluga, Eragiam, Ninugahis, Mbabu, Aundam, Kobakma, Sampai di Witlanggo. Dengan latar belakang ayah Sebby Sambom di atas, maka dari sejak kecil Sebby Sambom dididik disiplin sesuai perang adat budaya suku Yali Utara. Dari dasar didikan ayah ini maka, setelah masuk Sekolah di SD YPK Pass - Valley pada tahun 1982 - 1987, Sebby Sambom belajar keras dan disiplin selama 7 tahun mengikuti pendidikan, dan semua aktivitas sekolah berjalan lancar dan menamatkan SD pada tahun 1987/1988. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di tingkat SMP di Wamena (SMP PGRI-Wamena), dan lulus pada tahun 1990/1991. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan Menengah Atas di Sorong (SUPM/SPP Sorong) atau Sekolah Khusus Program Perikanan, dari tahun 1991 dan selesai 1993/1994. Setelah selesai Sekolah Perikanan di sorong, pernah menjadi penyuluh honorer di Yayasan YAKPESMI atau dengan Missionaris asal Belanda (Ir. Lend Stock) di wilayah Abenaho dan Nipsan. Pada tahun 1995/1996 Sebby Sambom mengajukan ijin kuliah kepada missionaris, tetapi mereka menyuruhnya bahwa harus kerja 3 tahun dan setelah itu boleh memperoleh ijin belajar dari pihak sponsor. Ijin kuliah ditolak, maka Sebby Sambom tetap melaksanakan niat untuk mencari kuliah ke Jakarta dan tinggalkan pekerjaan di Yayasan yang dibina oleh Missionaris asal Belanda itu. Dari Jakarta, Sebby Sambom meneruskan perjalanan ke Bandung dan tinggal bersama Bapak Buma socratez Sofyan Yoman dengan keluarga, karena kebetulan pada saat itu Bpk Yoman sedang kuliah di Institut Alkitab Tiranus Cimahi, Bandung. Kemudian ke Jogyakarta guna mencari kuliah, dan Sebby Sambom masuk kuliah di Akademi Perikanan Jogyakarta pada tahun 1996/1997. Pada tahun 1996/1997 Sebby Sambom juga berkomitmen dan ikut active dalam activist Mahasiswa Papua di Jogyakarta, dari Sorong sampai Merauke. Pada tahun 1997 Activist Mahasiswa Papua di Jogyakarta telah mendeklarasikan Forum Gerakan Mahasiswa, Pelajar, Pemuda dan Masyarakat Irian Jaya (GEMPPAMI), dengan Ketua saudara Andi Asmuruf dan Sekjen Yafet Agapa. Dalam Deklarasi ini Mahasiswa Papua di Jogyakarta sepakat dan berkomitmen untuk memperjuangkan, nasib Rakyat Papua Barat yang hidup dalam penderitaan. Dengan dasar komitmen dalam Deklarasi Mahasiswa Papua di Jogyakarta, maka pada tanggal 04 Mei 1998 telah melakukan Demontrasi pertama kali di kantor DPRD Provinsi DIY dan berlanjut ke kepatihan Kantor Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Jogyakarta. Dalam Demo pertama dalam kalangan Mahasiswa Papua ini, telah menyampaikan beberapa tuntutan. Isi Tuntutannya adalah: 1. Hentikan Operassi Militer (DOM) di tanah papua 2. Hentikan Pengiriman Transmikrasi di tanah papua 3. Hentikan Keluarga Berencana di Tanah Papua 4. Hentikan Genoside (Pemusnahan Ras) di Tanah Papua 5. Review PEPERA 1969 dan Referendum bagi Bangsa Papua Barat Demo kedua GEMPPAMI adalah menuju Jakarta pada tanggal 20 Juli 1998, dan mengibarkan Bendera Bintang Kejora di depan kantor UNDP/ Perwakilan PBB di Jalan Tamrin, Sarinah Jakarta, Indonesia. Pada Bulan Juli 1998, 100 Mahasiswa Papua pulang kembali ke Papua guna konsolidasi. 100 Mahasiswa ini termasuk (Sebby Sambom), karena situasi politik pada saat itu goyang paska Reformasi dan Timor-Timor juga semakin kencang pada Juli 1998-Juli 1999. Konsolidasi basis di mulai dari Nabire, Jayapura sampai di Wamena. Pada bulan Agustus 1999 ke Jogyakarta, untuk melanjutkan kuliah. Menyelesaikan teori kuliah pada tahun 2000/2001 pada Akademi Perikanan Jogyakarta dan melanjutkan kuliah S1 di sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing -LIA Jogyakarta pada program S1 Sastra Inggris. Pada priode 1999-2005, Sebby Sambom adalah anggota tetap dan active di organisasi Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Internasional. Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua diketahui oleh Demianus Wanimbo, pada priode 1999-2005, organisasi ini adalah yang mana telah mengakomodir, semua elemen pergerakan Mahasiswa. Motto AMP Internasional adalah X1414, dan AMP telah bekerja lama dalam hal mengangkat isu Pelanggaran HAM atas bangsa Papua Barat. Program utama dan kontinuitas AMP Internasional adalah Review PEPERA 1969 dan Referendum ulang bagi bangsa Papua Barat. Sebby Sambom termasuk pendiri dan pelaksana program yang selalu activ priode 1999-2005. Program Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Internasional yang terlaksana bagus adalah: - Program Pendidikan Politik - Konsolidasi Basis - Kampanye Internasional dan Nasional Tentang Pelanggaran HAM di Papua Barat - Publikasi Dari program-program kontinuitas diatas, AMP Internasional telah mengkaderkan banyak patriot-patriot anak Negeri Papua Barat yang memiliki ideologi tinggi dengan komitmen yang jelas. Pada tahun 2003 Polisi di Wamena menangkap Sebby Sambom dan ditahan di sel Polres Jayawijaya. Kemudian, Polisi memotong rambut Sebby sambom dengan sangkur. Pemotongan rambut ini sangat memberi kepahitan dalam diri Sebby Sambom. Karena polisi memotong rambut sambil mengatakan bahwa kau ini OPM besar dan kapan merdeka. Percuma saja dan kata-kata penghinaan lainnya, juga saya telah menerima siksaan yang hebat oleh anggota Polisi pada saat itu. Setelah itu Sebby Sambom kembali ke Jogyakarta untuk menyelesaikan kuliah pada S1 Sastra Inggris, namun konsentrasi Sebby Sambom terbagi akibat penjiksaan yang dialami di Wamena pada tahun 2003 di Polres Jayawijaya. Akhirnya pada tahun 2004 tinggalkan kuliah, kemudian ke Papua New Guinea. Dari Papua New Guinea, kembali lagi ke Jogyakarta. Kemudian tahun 2005 tinggalkan kuliah penuh dan kembali ke Papua, dan melakukan investigasi pelanggaran HAM yang Pemerintah Indonesia, telah dan sedang lakukan di Tanah Papua. Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan pelanggaran HAM melalui aparat keamanan, terhadap orang asli Papua. Pada tahun 2005-2006 Sebby Sambom tetap melaksanakan tugas Investigasi, yang kemudian melakukan atau memberikan laporan kepada masyarakat Internasional melalui diplomat-diplomat Papua yang ada di seluruh dunia. Laporan-laporan Sebby Sambom akan dijumapi pada website:; yang selalu updated di Website oleh Tuan Richard Samuelson dan Tuan Benny Wenda dkk; serta film kampanye HAM Papua di ini bekerja sama dengan staf University of Oxford, United Kingdom (Simon James); silakan mengunjungi Website-website diatas untuk membuktikannya. Pada tahun 2007 bergabung dengan teman-teman aktivis lainnya yaitu, Markus Haluk, Buchtar Tabuni dan rekan-rekan Aktivis Hak-Hak Asasi Manusia Papua lainnya di Jayapura dan mendorong agenda membela Hak Dasar orang Asli Papua. Dalam agenda utama aktivis adalah menuntut pelanggaran HAM, kematian Demokrasi, Hukum dan Keadilan yang tidak berpihak pada orang asli Papua. Activis juga mendorong agenda kegagalan Otsus dan Review PEPERA 1969 dan buka Dialog Internasional guna melaksanakan Referendum ulang, bagi bangsa Papua Barat. Akhirnya Sebby Sambom ditangkap pada tanggal 17 Desember 2008 oleh Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Reskrim Polda Papua), dengan tuduhan melakukan tindak Pidana Makar atas Demo dukungan Peluncuran IPWP di London Inggris, pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2008 di Papua dan pada tanggal 15 October 2008 di London, Inggris. Penangkapan ini adalah rekayasa dan Penuh Politis, yang pertentangan dengan Kovenan Internasional yang telah diterima dan disahkan dalam Sidang Majelis Umum PBB pada tanggal 16 Desember 1966; pada article 19, 2 dan Undang-Undang No. 9 Tahun 1998 serta Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengesahan Kovenan Internasional Atas Hak-Hak Sipil dan Politik. Kemudian, Sebby Sambom diadili di Pengadilan Negeri Klas IA Jayapura dan selanjutnya dijatuhi Hukuman Penjarah 2 tahun oleh Majelis Hakim (Manungku Prasetyo SH Cs). Hukuman 2 tahun Penjara ini adalah diskriminatif hukum dan melanggar Hak-Hak Asasi Manusia, yang dijamin Hukum HAM Internasional, dan juga tidak berdasar serta tanpa keadilan. Mengakhiri Biodata ini, ada 3 Pertanyaan Mendasar yang Perlu dijawab adalah: Pertama, Mengapa anda di ujung tombak ? Kita diujung tombak, karena melaksanakan amanat Tuhan Yesus, demi membela umat Tuhan atas Rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat demi menuju Pembebasan. Kedua, Apa Komitmen Politik Anda? Komitmen Politik Sebby Sambom dkk Activis HAM Independen adalah: Tetap mengangkat isu pelanggaran HAM atas Bangsa Papua Barat, kepada masyarakat Internasional melalui diplomat Papua yang ada dan juga melalui kantor-kantor HAM, di seluruh dunia dengan target mendorong agenda ke PBB, guna lahirnya dialog Internasional dan Review PEPERA 1969 yang kemudian Referendum ulang bagi bangsa Papua, sesuai Kovenan Internasional Part I-Article 1 Paragraph 1, 2 and 3. Ketiga, Impian anda untuk Papua Barat ? I have a dream, only for west Papuans Freedom and I am with my people have to fight for full FREEDOM on the own motherland. So, will be going to as well as possible. And everything is well done.....!!! Freedom never come with out fight. By Sebby Sambom
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:06:42 +0000

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