Seeing my higher self in crystal or diamond form during - TopicsExpress


Seeing my higher self in crystal or diamond form during meditation 9/19/13 This am at 8:40am I started doing a Chakra balancing and cleansing meditation that is almost 2 hr in length. I believe that I had fallen asleep during the meditation because I had a fascinating dream. I was meditating then I saw myself in an unfamiliar environment. I was outdoors talking to a man that I do not know. I offered him some food, I was about to eat and he was hungry. I shared my food in half and we were looking at the sun when I notice something strange was going on. I don’t know if he was aware of this since he kind of faded away at this point. I saw crystals flowing out of the sun. Then some very bright beings I believe at least 3 of them, golden appearance came out of the sun. They were speaking to me, explaining about their energies and how much love they had inside outside and all around them. They were some type of energy beings, they lived in the sun. I then saw my higher self; she was hovering in the skies with them. She looks as though she was made of pure crystals or diamonds, very beautiful and radiant. They told me that my transformation was complete. It didn’t make much sense but it seems as though whatever was going on it was caused by the sun. I then saw myself in a tunnel; there were two truck drivers about to leave. I pass them some equipment that they had on the ground, they thanked me. One of them then said you are most kind, your light can be seen everywhere, your transformation is complete. I asked him what he meant, he said look in the mirror. There was no mirror I was under a tunnel. I looked in front of me and again I saw my higher self, her body was all crystal or diamonds, translucent. She was so beautiful, her face changing; taking three different forms but beautiful. I said she must be heavy, I tried touching her but my hands just went right through her. My daughter was running a few feet in front of me, the man then said her transformation is complete also. She was transformed from the beginning, completed at birth. I said that I knew, I told him she is different from other children, she loves unconditionally. She offers hugs and says I love you to strangers, people she never met. Whenever she sees someone who appears sad she hugs them and tells them she loves them. After I said this I opened my eyes, my meditation was already complete and something else was playing. This was interesting, I wanted to share. From dream log, Angelheart4561
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:27:11 +0000

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