Selah! - PASTOR Kathy Dozier Sandy Warner ~ ~ [email protected] ~ - TopicsExpress


Selah! - PASTOR Kathy Dozier Sandy Warner ~ ~ [email protected] ~ ~ thequickenedword IDENTIFYING CHRISTIAN WITCHCRAFT I have come to the following check list, based upon years of prayer, discernment and observations of peoples behavior. This of course is not all encompassing, but it manifests one main branch of deception. In the following list, you may substitute the phrase “obedience to what you hear & see for obedience to a voice, dream, vision, revelation, supernatural experience, etc. Christian witchcraft is present: • When obedience (to what you hear & see) demands its own way. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) demands others to conform. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) uses force to change anothers opinion. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) uses manipulation to change anothers opinion. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) uses control to change anothers opinion. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) uses soul power, control, power struggles, domination, intimidation, argument, debate to change another person. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) creates laws in which to govern ones life that bypasses love for God, for others and for self. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) places the following of rules over relationships with people. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) causes a baby Christian to stumble. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) causes someone else condemnation for not obeying. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) changes the rules midstream. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) contains a stronghold of control, over the listener or his behavior. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) promotes dominating rather than loving the weaker brother. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) does not recognize or yield, or respect or honor another’s free will or freedom of choice. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) speaks of master and slave relationship with the Lord in place of husband and wife. • When obedience (to what you hear & see) says rules are more important than offending people. • When following (what you hear & see) defies your own discernment, instinct, wisdom. • When following (what you hear & see) places seeking a title, ambition, or leadership over servant hood and graciousness in sitting at the feet of others. • When following (what you hear & see) places seeking one’s own personal will and decision over the will of the group. • When following (what you hear & see) accuses when exposing the truth. • When following (what you hear & see) has no mercy when exposing the truth. BOTTOM LINE: Christian Witchcraft is evident in what you hear & see when Gods love is not present or applied. WORD TO PONDER EXPOSING CHRISTIAN WITCHCRAFT I have opened your eyes to observe, perceive and finally understand the spirit of witchcraft that has infiltrated and plundered many of My people. This deception has grown deeper than mere controlling personalities. This spirit masquerades as My Holy Spirit and I grieve over many who have listened to the voice of such, to follow its commands. They believe this intruder is the voice of the Good Shepherd. Listen and heed the following. For in its wisdom is the exposure of such a spirit. Once you see this operate in a person, you will forever have your eyes and ears opened to know the truth. The truth shall set you free and answer many unanswered questions. A spirit of witchcraft demands obedience to a voice. The voice demands its own way and demands others to conform. Controlling is the primary manifestation of such a spirit and it orders compliance. When others do not conform, anger, intimidation, judgment, condemnation, accusation and criticism are manifest. There is no mercy or yielding from a controlling spirit. In contrast, My Spirit recognizes, respects and honors another’s free will and freedom of choice. Rather than seeking to dominate, it bows low to love and heal and minister. Remember the voice of the Good Shepherd leads the way, He does not push and drive. A controlling spirit is driven to be the center of attention. It is driven by ambition to seek a title and leadership. In contrast, My Spirit bows low to serve the needs of the hurting and weak. My Spirit is contrasted by loving servanthood and humility. My Spirit recognizes My good gifts even in the weakest vessels, and is blessed to sit at the feet of others. Observe the words of such a one, for it speaks of master and slave relationship in place of a loving Husband for His wife. It creates structures and rules in which to govern ones life or ones fruit. It promotes following rules over relationships with people. And when the rules fail, they change in midstream, defying all logical memory of past standards once enforced. The knowledge of such a spirit is to be used for prayer over the person taken captive by such a
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:53:54 +0000

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