Self-help isnt for everybody... but happiness is. I believe - TopicsExpress


Self-help isnt for everybody... but happiness is. I believe everyone has the right to wake up happy. This is the two unofficial mantras of my book, which is unofficially titled: ** THE HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO YOUR TWENTIES ** The message of my book has gotten so much clearer in the last two weeks. I havent been thinking too much about it. Im just letting the answers come to me. From God? The universe? My soul? I dont know. Im not asking questions. Im just glad I got the answer. Im probably going to repeat myself. And if not now, then definitely in the future when I retell this story. My journey began in such a simple place. I was introduced to it via my virtual Team Beachbody Coach (the one youre assigned when you buy P90X or one of the other products). It started with this book. . . The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. Its a simple book. And quite honestly, the only thing I remember is the premise that people set their goals too small because they think too small. Schwartz lays out a step-by-step plan (according to Wikipedia) that helps the reader achieve goals by changing thought patterns and habits. I dont remember the steps. I only remember that this was the beginning. I journeyed through other self-help, leadership books by John Maxwell, business books by Napolean Hill that I started but never finished, a Google search how to talk to girls and more. Fast forward a couple years and Im in a Shamanic Healing in downtown LA with a few friends, not having any idea what the hell I was doing there. For 4 months, Mike took me to events and introduced me to people who stretched my idea of what it meant to be alive. What it meant to love... to feel... to be open... to be a person of integrity and of compassion. If when I started reading that book back in 2010 I was Sam 1.0, Ive probably upgraded to Sam 16.0 by now. That doesnt matter much. Its really only my experiences and perspectives that have changed. Im still Sam Hamburlgar... Hersheybar... Hershburglar... to many people. (Ill leave out the more inappropriate variations.) And what Ive realized in the last two weeks is that all of this happened very slowly. Grand scheme of things, in a blink of an eye. But it was a process. At times a painful one. At others a blissful one. Nonetheless a process. Ive been exploring a lot of, lets call them, Universal Truths. And the biggest thing Ive noted is that if someone had told me any of these things before I read Schwartz book, Id have called them crazy and been highly confused. Maybe even defensive. I had to go on the journey. So, thats exactly what my book is going to do for the readers. Its going to take you on a journey. My journey to be exact. Or the version that I see now. It will advance through stages that drop you lower into the idea that you are the source of your life, but in a non self-helpy way. (This part will be a challenge, but I think Im already doing this in my posts.) Theres a lot of amazing stuff about self-help, but it gets lost on people who dont give a shit about self-help. Thats the self-help blind spot. People just want to be happy. They want to wake up happy tomorrow. Not in 5 years. Tomorrow. And to do that, we have to talk in a language everyone understands. You cant start at Unconditional Love of all humans. You cant start at Non-Duality. You cant start at any of those places. Those places just sound fancy. Have you ever listened to someone talk about their spiritual journey? Their journey to enlightenment and evolvement? How theyre on a totally new level of consciousness? Still makes me laugh. Not out of judgment. But out of understanding. I love that shit. But it gets old. Because at the end of the day, none of that stuff will make you happy. Only the constant realization that happiness is a choice. Every moment of every day. === All that said, I need to make an ask: 1) Id be honored if someone introduced to a total badass and creative editor whos willing to tell me the truth about my writing and will push my edges in writing this. I dont care if this person has ever edited a book before. This can be their first one. My only requirement is that theyre amazing. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:23:26 +0000

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