Seminar on crisis in Tibet and Kunming incident held in - TopicsExpress


Seminar on crisis in Tibet and Kunming incident held in Taipei Monday, 05 May 2014 20:09 The Tibet Post International Seminar on ‘self-immolation in Tibet, ethnic issues in China and the Kunming incident held at the College of Social Science, NTU, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, May 3, 2014. Taipei, 3 May 2014: - A seminar on crisis in Tibet, including self-immolation, ethnic issues in China and the Kunming incident held at the College of Social Science, NTU, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. This seminar was jointly organized by Office of Tibet based in Taipei, the Chinese Tibetan Association of Taiwan, College of Social Science in Taipei, and Tibetan Association in Taiwan. Around 30 Tibetans and Taiwanese, including scholars, MPs and activists have gathered to discuss the current crisis of self-immolation protests in Tibet and the recent Kunming incident in China. Mr Dawa Tsering, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Taiwan, Geshe Jampa Gyatso, Ms Dadon Sharling, MP, Bawa Kalsang Gyaltsen, MP, Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam, research head at the Tibetan library and Yeshe Tenzin, Chinese section at DIIR were attended the seminar which held in the capital. The sufferings of Tibetans inside Tibet became well-known to the outside world. Over the past few years, one after another, the self-immolation protests, which continue to fight for their freedom, Geshe Jampa Gyatso said, adding Thus it is difficult to predict when will this tragic crisis come to an end. Speaking about the Tibet crisis, Ms Sheng Xiu Vice President, Federation for a Democratic China said, China should take the opportunity of the policy of Middle-Way Approach, which is proposed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet. If Tibetans start using violence against China, associating with the Uyghur people, it might not be a small problem for China. Questioning how did the Kunming incident happen and who did it? Ms Sheng Xiu said the only story of Kunming incident available is what China has reported and its merely one-sided. No one can prove or disprove whether or not Uyghur people are actually behind the attack, in which at least 33 people were killed and more than 140 wounded. The reality is, the communist regime-China has severely tortured its own people. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is pure terrorist itself within the country, she added. Kalsang Gyatsen said, any further delay engage with peaceful dialogue, will only harm both the sides and nothing else. The issue of Tibet will never disappear as its already an issue of international problem. No matter how strong China is, the Tibetan freedom struggle will continue as it is based on truth. Ms Dadon Sharling spoke about the overall situation of human rights in Tibet, specifically raised harsh crackdown by Chinese authorities against Tibetan artists and writers, who seek to express themselves through poetry, blogging, books, painting and song. From Taiwanese side, Prof Sun Chi Pan, the president of Chinese-Tibetan Association, Prof Sujia Hong from Fooyin University, Mr Yang Hsien-hung, head of Taiwan Association for China Human Rights, Prof Lee Yu Tan from Chengchi University, Mr Yang chang Jeng, director of the development center of Thinking Taiwan Foundation, Prof Tseng Jian yuan, Department of Public Administration, Chung Hua Huniversity,and Ms Sheng Xiu Vice President, Federation for a Democratic China and former MP also attended the seminar and spoke on the issue. An exhibition on Tibetan self-immolation also being held May 1 to May 20, 2014 at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Liberty Square in Taipei City, by displaying a series of black-and-white portraits depicting close-up faces of Tibetan self-immolators, painted by Beijing-based artist Liu Yi.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 02:17:35 +0000

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