Senator Chuck Schumer of New York recently said that he believes - TopicsExpress


Senator Chuck Schumer of New York recently said that he believes that passing the ACA/Obamacare/new healthcare law was a mistake. That kind of pisses me off. I have some words for him: Dear Senator Schumer, I have often admired you from afar (CA) but I must tell you how disappointed I am in your recent remarks about the Affordable Care Act being a mistake. I can understand that you might be speaking in terms of political strategy, and in some oblique and frivolous way you might be correct. However, the much greater truth about Obamacare is that it is a policy that has helped millions of people, has brought needed balance to the health care pricing system and was passed through courageous persistence of the president and legislators such as yourself in the face of great political risk. It is a tremendous accomplishment and deserves enthusiastic support from all who actually care about the welfare of citizens and effective government policy. The fact that you and most other legislators who actually got the thing passed have since only given ACA tepid support, if that (a mistake??), leaves me in doubt of our entire political enterprise. While I have been an enthusiastic supporter and campaigner for Democratic causes, your failure to defend ACA, much less stand up and trumpet its great success and noble intent is, I feel, emblematic of the problem with Democrats today. We didnt lose the last election because we spent all our political capital on Obamacare, we lost it because Democrats failed to stand up for the essential values of their political philosophy so well expressed in the new health care law. Republicans may be evil cretins hell-bent on destroying our civil society, but Im afraid statements such as yours make me question whether Democratic officeholders arent just as soulless. I would never vote R, but given your comments on ACA, I dont think I could vote for you either. Makes me feel like it just doesnt matter. ACA is the best new social policy passed in 50 years and your take is it might have been a mistake? I dont get it. Thought youd like to know. Sincerely, Ted Bucklin
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 07:54:48 +0000

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