Sent today: “Every time there is a major decision on an - TopicsExpress


Sent today: “Every time there is a major decision on an issue, the news reports go something like, “The Democrats scored a major political victory today,” or “The Republicans defeated the Democrats today.” Well, screw the Democrats and Republicans – the real question that needs to be asked when the dust settles each and every time is, “Did the American people win or lose today?” ~ Unknown Between now, and July 31st; Congress will get nothing done. Theres campaigning in the air, and Congress will soon be in recess [sounds like elementary school]. Some of you are up for reelection this year. Remember this name while youre meeting with constituents: Congressman Eric Canton. This applies to Democrats, and establishment Republicans. A majority of Americans favor electing a new Congress to oppose and stop Obama and his bad policies. As you leave Washington behind, remember this too: 1. The border is not secure. Regardless of what Senator Reid says. The time to militarize the entire border: Yesterday! “House Republicans are considering a plan that would deploy the National Guard to the border, change trafficking laws and beef up judicial and law enforcement resources in response to the surge of child migrants into the United States.” - thehill Will this get past Harry Reids Senate? 2. There is no viable tax reform [Fair Tax] that will bring an end to the IRS corruption. Hearings only find the guilty, but does nothing to end the problem. The IRS is corrupt, and has been made that way by the president, Congress, and partisan IRS officials. If it were a private company, the government would have shut it down by now, and company officials would be tried, convicted, and incarcerated for 25 to life. The House is being played for a fool; however, the House has defunded the IRS for over $1 billion, and this is something in and of itself. Now, the IRS must be abolished once and for all, and the Fair Tax passed. 3. The Benghazi murders, nonresponse, and cover up hasnt been resolved. Only one person has been arrested, and his story doesnt match that of the president, nor Hillary Clinton. This does make a difference. Americans died, and President Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton, lied. 4. Then there are the old standards: Economy and jobs. More people have dropped out of the workforce than have found jobs. These people have taken to welfare, disability, and food stamps to survive. Welfare was never meant to be a career choice. There, too, is also the ones that had full-time jobs until Obamacare came along. Now, more people are working part-time jobs, with reduced income. 5. Speaking of Obamacare. The Democrats own it. “You can keep your plan, if you like your plan.” Need I say more? These are but a few of the problems that Congress will leave behind, but these are on the minds of Americans the most for this coming election. Democrats have a great deal to answer for, and distancing themselves from the president will not help. Many establishment Republicans will have to answer for these things too. Enjoy whatever you plan to do while Congress is in recess; as you leave, the border remains unsecured during your absence. It will be there when you return, but will you be in Congress in 2015? Sent to: https://facebook/kevin.mccarthy.1690671?fref=ts (Can only message him, just like Cantor.) You can find more here: capwiz/legion/directory/
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:52:13 +0000

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