Separate zones for Pandits, citizenship rights to refugees - TopicsExpress


Separate zones for Pandits, citizenship rights to refugees unacceptable: Sallahuddin ‘Return of Pandits welcome but if they settle in their native villages, homes ’‘Muslim World’s silence on Israeli aggression criminal, condemnable’ “People should abstain from voting in assembly elections’ =>As the union government is reportedly preparing forsettlement of Kashmiri migrant Pandits in separate enclaves in different parts of Kashmir Valley besides granting citizenship rights to the 1947 West Pakistan refugees, the militant leadership is exasperated against these plausible plans terming them a part of ‘a big conspiracy’ to change demography and divide the state on communal lines. In a tele statement issued to KNS, the United Jihad Council (UJC) Chief Syed Sallahuddin observed that all such plausible plans will be opposed ‘tooth and nail’. He alleged that through these proposals, the government of India wants to snatch Muslim identity of Kashmir besides changing its demographic character. “The state of Jammu and Kashmir has always displayed an unprecedented communal harmony. We will never allow Delhi regime to divide our social fabric on communal lines. We welcome our Hindu migrants who had migrated unfortunately outside Kashmir valley because of Jagmohan’s plans. We welcome their return but they should settle in their native villages and their own homes. Indian regime will not be allowed to create separate zones for Kashmiri Pandits as it is a big conspiracy which will tell upon the integrity of the state and its interests. This will not be allowed at any cost,” the UJC Chief observed. Saying that Kashmiri Migrant Pandits are a part and parcel of Kashmiri nation, Sallahuddin said that history bears witness that while the whole India was burning there was not a single communal riot in Kashmir at the time of partition. “And this communal harmony will prevail in future as well.”He said the State subject rights to be given to Pakistan refugees and their settlement is against the international covenants and international law. “The people who migrated at the time of partition from Pakistan in Indian side in no way have any right to be permanent citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. This will be encountered tooth and nail by the people of Jammu and Kashmir by all the separatist forces. ” The UJC chief remarked that through grant of state subject rights to Pakistan refugees and settlement of Kashmiri migrant Pandits in separate colonies, the BJP led government in Delhi wants to divide Kashmir communally and want to make these beneficiaries as its vote bank. Sallahuddin said that since the Narendra Modi took over the reins of power in New Delhi, the graph of human rights in Kashmir has started ‘worsening’. “It seems officers with fascist and communal credentials are being promoted and given prize postings to further BJP’s designs. Be it the killing of a youth in Qaimoh-Kulgam, scuffle at Baltal-Sonmaragin which hundreds of tents of local peoplewere set ablaze, use of force against students in Kashmir University who staged anti-Israel protests and the fatal accident at Parimpora where army vehicle killed seven people. It seems the human rights abuses are increasing in Modi led government. Need of the hour is to fight these designs tooth and nail,” he remarked. Strongly condemning Israeli aggressionin Gaza, Sallahuddin said that Israel has broken Adolf Hitler’s record in perpetrating worst human rights violations in Gaza. The UJC chief said that worst part in this whole scenario isthat the Muslim World has maintained a criminal silence because of its coward leadership and materialistic life style. “Otherwise, we have 56 Muslim countries, OIC and the Arab League having their own armies but the leaders in these countries are cowards and immersed in their acquisitive affairs. It proves beyond any doubt that there is only one solution to Israeli aggression and that is the Jihad,” the UJC chief maintained.He said that the UN adopts double standards when it comes to atrocities being carried out on Muslims and the silence on Gaza atrocities maintained by world’s superpower countries and the Muslim world is ‘criminal’. “Time has come when the Muslim youth of the world should come forward and join hand to fight these injustices. If theUN fails in its responsibility then Muslim youth across the world will volunteer for Jihad. Siege around Gaza should end and Israel be condemned and stopped from its aggression in Palestine. I hail and appreciate Kashmir’s oppressed people for their courage and commitment towards their Palestinian brothers. Kashmiri people are victims so understand the pain and grief of their Palestinian brothers,” Sallahuddin said.He demanded that the government of Pakistan should also shun what he called his ‘spineless strategies and diplomacy’ and raise the Kashmir problem at various forums including international forums. Meanwhile, condemning the confiscation of property of deputy chiefof Hizbul Mujahideen, Ghulam Nabi Khan alias Saifullah Khalid the UJC chief appealed high court bar association to plead his case in the court. The UJC chief said that Khan had transferred his property to his wife Fatima Bano in 1971 and the militancy in Kashmir started in 1989 which means Khan was not involved in militancy before 1989. On Narendra Modi and Pakistan PrimeMinister Nawaz Shareef’s meetings, the UJC chief said there should be no meeting of Pakistan leadership and its other functionaries with Indian government ‘unless these meetings are Kashmir centric’. “Kashmir is the root cause of tension in South Asian region. Kashmir is the root cause of three times war that broke between India and Pakistan. Kashmir is the root cause of uncertainty prevailing on the border. Whenever there are any talks or meetings even at secretary level, Kashmir should be the core issue. And Pakistan’s relations with Indian must be Kashmir centric. There is no compromise on this issue,” Sallahuddincautioned.Stating that the UJC has already made repeated requests to Kashmiri electorate that they should completely abstain from voting, the UJC chief said that Indian authorities capitalizes on international front by saying that Kashmiri people have reposed trust on Indian democratic system by casting their vote and Kashmiris endorse the so called accession with Indian union through ballot. Observing that unity among different factions of Hurriyat Conference is a pre-requisite for the success of Kashmir’s freedom struggle, Sallahuddin said it is his conviction thatthe sooner this unity is formed between different factions of Hurriyat conference the more it will be in the interests of Kashmir struggle.He said that he has been misquoted bycertain reporters in Muzaffarabad recently and he had actually given a general call to all the world powers besides other organizations whosoeverwas interested in helping out Kashmiri to come forward and join their hands. Without naming any organization or a group, Sallahuddin said: “Kashmiris arebeing oppressed by India and all worldpowers whosever want to help Kashmiri community to get rid of Indian occupation are welcome. All theworld powers including Jihadi forces should help Kashmiris and we will welcome their support. ”The UJC chief ruled out any chances forceasefire on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr saying that the ceasefire from militant leadership is ‘unjustified’ as the security forces are ‘perpetrating gross human rights violations in Kashmir’ and on the other hand militant leadership cannot think of any ceasefire in such a situation. (KNS)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:47:46 +0000

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