September 4, 2014 Well, I have been sitting here for over - TopicsExpress


September 4, 2014 Well, I have been sitting here for over thirty minutes looking at a blank screen on this computer trying to come up with something to write about. I am having absolutely no luck at all. Everything I have come up with, I realize I have written about before. Have I actually written about everything that has ever happened to me in my life? Have I really covered every possible idea I can come up with? Well, of course not! There are things that I, as well as others, have gone through in our lives that we just dont want to discuss, so these are off limits. Each of us have lived through things, thought of things, and wished for things, that we carry deep inside, but we just dont want to and never will share. (I certainly hope I am not the only person in the world that thinks like this.) Since I started writing Marys Musings, I have written over 1,000 of them. I have tried to keep this column upbeat and pleasant, but I have also written about some sad and unpleasant experiences I have lived through,. I have never written about political issues or tried to persuade you to vote for a certain politician. Do I have opinions? You bet I do! But I dont think anyone really cares how I feel one way or another or that I could actually change someones mind. I have; however, alluded to a few things. First and most important of all, I hope everyone can tell that I am a Christian, but I have never written a column where I preached to you. I am very pro-life, and if I were to ever decide to take up a cause, this would be it; but I have never gotten on a soap box about it here. I think everyone deserves a break. Just because they are different doesnt mean they are wrong. There are times we just dont care for someone, and we dont even know why. I have found that if I would just take the time to sit down and talk to them one on one for a while, I almost always really did like them after all. The exception to this is if they insisted on trying to cram some fanatical issue down my throat. Up until the time I sold The Kress Chronicle, I had only missed two columns in all the years I had been writing Marys Musings. Those were the first two weeks after Louie was diagnosed with throat cancer, and all I cared about was getting him well. Thank goodness Debbie Reed took over the duties as editor after a quick lesson on things she had never had to do before, and carried on for the almost three months Louie and I were in Houston at M.D. Anderson. I faxed her an article each week from there during that time. As if you cant tell, I am really struggling with this column this week. I am not sick, but I just dont feel very well physically, which almost always seems to affect my mental state as well. I honestly cant think of any subject that I want to write about. It is one of those days, I am crabby, and am having trouble finding the good in anything I can think of to say. It is really best, I just dont inflict myself on anyone. My work ethic just wont allow me to just skip a week; so with that said, I am ending this. I apologize profusely and sure hope I can do a better job next week.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:36:51 +0000

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