September 8, 2013 Because our political reps and media closely - TopicsExpress


September 8, 2013 Because our political reps and media closely follow the UK political correctness, we will all be dhimmitudes in the very near future. Why are the US and UK playing nice to a bunch of pisslams. Does any politician (other than the corrupt, pisslam, lobbyists, thieves and traitors) think any appeasement aside from conversion or murder will be an asset to their (or their countries) well being or peace. This abominable cult has but one purpose and goal “destroy all religions and their infidel believers”. They are exactly like restrictor snakes, once they have begun their death compression, any breath by you will be quickly compressed disallowing that space to be reused and it doesn’t take many of these death embraces to secure your inability to move or breathe. What is happening in the UK are constant and exhaustive attempts to track any event that will in any way disrupt their goal and they fight like hell to stop it. On the other hand you have this free (at one time) country filled with Protestants, Jews, and other peaceable religious believers acting like sheep. When confronted by these very evil killers they yell unfair and shit-ria law is ok for pisslams.. They are so comfortable in an elected government, the ten commandments honesty, compassion, and law that they turn their heads when pisslam violence occurs. The pisslams blame radicals and say they are peaceful. When is the last time (or in fact the first time) you have heard any pisslam person, group, organization or mosque condemn any of pisslamic actions? The UK SHEEP population acquiesce, bow, and leave it to the few true patriots willing to face this poisonous plague. And when the UK becomes UI, they will wonder around in their chains in a daze and say “wa hoppened?” This is the same attitude as most Americans, and if we do not study loyal, patriotic, constitutional politicians (before we vote), we too will face the same dilemma in a few years. Before voting look at their record and read patriotic web sites and who (that we respect) is commenting on the candidates eligibility for TRUE constitutional government Don’t listen to the candidates rhetoric and pronouncements. For proof of the fallacy of that assessment look at ovomit and his contrived eradication of our constitutional rights. He has repeatedly exclaimed (in recorded speeches) that he is a pisslam but the uninformed FREELOADING SHEEP vote for their god anyway. I must quit as I could continue all day If you think I have neglected the press, just substitute the word PRESS or MEDIA for SHEEP. The analysis remains the same. .
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 18:58:15 +0000

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