Sergey Glazyev, a Putins adviser and the best informed and most - TopicsExpress


Sergey Glazyev, a Putins adviser and the best informed and most outspoken official with respect to Ukraine, gave RT an interview in Russia. Apparently, the interview was not translated into English. Some highlights: 1. According to Glazyev, to save its power, economy, and dominance, the US does want start a world war. 2. In a sense, this world war is already going on in Ukraine (and elsewhere)--though (for now) mainly by new means. 3. To start this world war, the US does want to impose this war on Russia--by forcing Russia to enter directly and openly with its military into Ukraine. 4. The current Ukrainian regime is directly and fully controlled by the US. Ukrainian leaders are instruments through which Ukraine and its people are treated as an expendable captured resource. 5. The armed forces, the National Guard, and oligarchs private armies have become criminal armed organizations. 6. The MH17 false flag act of terrorism was used in part to provide a justification for introducing and deploying NATO troops on the territory of Ukraine. It is also being used for the psychological and propaganda war facilitating a war against Russia. 7. Yet, the MH 17 tragedy could also be the moment of truth which could wake up more people to what is in front of us. 8. However, the media are under close to total control of the US and its allies. 9. Moreover, Obama continues to grossly lie to the people of the world--about MH17 and other key issues. 10. Glazyev believes that Obama is not making up these lies himself. According to Glazeyv, there is another third force behind Obama and his administration, which is pushing for a war with Russia and world war. 11. In this regard, the only few hopes or countermeasures, which Glazyev was able to suggest, were i) a hope that people would suddenly want to know the truth and ii) that Europe would remember again the horrors of previous world wars. It seems that, like a portion of the Russian comprador bourgeoisie, Glazyev too hopes that European business (and perhaps even some political) leaders would reconsider and help to save us all. But pleading with ones enemy or the enemys minions who cant do what one should or cannot do oneself is never a viable political strategy. 12. In all this nearly half-an-hour-long interview, the people of Donbass as a necessary and indispensable factor in saving us from the war and fascism or their saving from fascism have not been illuminated.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:09:55 +0000

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