Sermon: LIVING A LIFE OF LIBERTY Text : Psalm 37:1-8 We are - TopicsExpress


Sermon: LIVING A LIFE OF LIBERTY Text : Psalm 37:1-8 We are not supposed to live life on earth crushed under pressure & stress. David wrote something in Psalm 37 giving us some keys to live life free from worries and pressures. STEPS TO A LIFE OF LIBERTY: Step 1: DO NOT WORRY. PSALM 37:1 - “Do not worry about the wicked . . .” “To FRET” means “to worry” and “to be discontented.” a) Be free from worry. b) To worry means to have concern; to have something gnawing away. c) Worry is an exercise in futility. d) It really does not do any good at all. e) We should not worry because Psalm 37:23 says – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” f) David’s life was never worry-free or stress-free. His life was never easy, and yet he was able to overcome worry in his life. g) In Greek, the word worry means – “ to divide.” Worry pulls us apart and makes us unfruitful. h)Worry makes you unfruitful (Matthew 13:22) i) Worry affects us negatively – in our thoughts, feelings, spirit and body. j) Worrying is useless. It cannot change your past or your future. All it does is mess you up NOW. Step 2: DO NOT ENVY. PSALM 37:1 –“Do not worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.” WHY? Because these wicked people will not last. (verse 2) a) Envy affects a person physically, psychologically and spiritually. Proverbs 14:30 says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body but envy rots the bones” (NIV). b) James 3:14, which warns us, “If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.” c) The number one result of envy appears to be depression that results from sinful thoughts/ behaviors. d) If we envy what others have or do, we cannot see how God has blessed us, e) Don’t use envy as your motivation in life. Use love. All of your relationships should be grounded in love anyway. That’s the biblical standard, the one-size-fits-all paradigm for interacting with people.he human race Step 3: TRUST GOD AND DO GOOD. PSALM 37: 3 – “Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.” a) To TRUST is to be confident in the Lord. b) Sometimes we prefer to be confident in ourselves, secure in our own abilities. c) We cannot experience trust in a problem-free environment, because in a problem-free environment we do not need trust. d) Trusting God is a good step to take. It is a way to defeat worry. e) Trust empowers one to do good in a world where evil often prevails. f) “To do good” means giving back goodness. Because God has been good and faithful. g) Verse 3 encourages us to do good, to dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. h) We are purposed to add value to life and the land God placed us in. Step 4: BE PLIABLE Psalm 37:4 –“Take delight in the LORD and He will give you your heart’s desires.” a) The word “DELIGHT” in the original Hebrew means “ TO BE PLIABLE.” b) This means that we become so soft that we can be mouldable and teachable in God. c) When you are shaped in the hands of God, you will begin to delight in His law. d) To delight also means that God will give us the right desires. e) We do not delight based on circumstances, because oftentimes circumstances give no cause for delight. f) We delight despite the circumstances. Step 5: COMMIT YOUR WAYS TO GOD. PSALM 37: 5 – “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him and He will help you. “ TO COMMIT” means : a) To entrust b) To give up c) To hand over to the LORD for safekeeping. a) Many of us commit something to the Lord but still hold on to it, refusing to let go. b) Truly committing to God means letting go completely and refusing to worry about it. c) We commit everything to Him. We dedicate ourselves to God and to His service, and let Him choose our path. d) Psalm 37:25 is one of the blessings when we commit ourselves to the Lord. e) Psalm 37:28 is another blessing of commitment. We are preserved in the care of God, not only now but forever. Step 6: REST IN THE LORD PSALM 37:7 – “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him.” a) To rest is to keep silent. It also means “being in a place of stillness.” b) The opposite of resting is to be agitated, anxious, and fretful. c) Have you ever tried to relax in a hurry? d) Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God.” Step 7 : WAIT PATIENTLY FOR THE LORD PSALM 37:7 – “Be still in the presence of God and wait patiently for Him to act.” a) “To wait patiently” means “to wait without worrying.” b) It means we are able to hold our peace without worrying. c) Waiting is absolutely necessary because it develop character and perseverance. d) Our duty during the difficult days of life is to be patient and silent while the Lord works out His purposes in our lives. e) Isaiah 53:7 – Jesus’ example. f) Regardless of the burden you are called to bear, learn not to complain, or murmur or grumble. Step 8: CEASE FROM ANGER PSALM 37:8 – “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Do not fret – it only causes harm.” a) Frustration can lead to worrying and even anger at out circumstances. b) Such anger is destructive and reflects a lack of confidence in the fact that God is in control. c) Let us not allow ourselves to be frustrated by trials and circumstances of life, let us purpose to follow the steps outlined in Psalm 37. d) Psalm 37:37 – “Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of peace.” e) Read also Psalm 37:39-40.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:37:16 +0000

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