Sermon Title: Lets Go Back To Bethel Scriptural Reference: - TopicsExpress


Sermon Title: Lets Go Back To Bethel Scriptural Reference: Genesis 35:1-3, 11-22, 28:20-22, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 26:7-13 If you have to go back to a place or to something it means; 1. you have been there before 2. you have had an experience or encounter with that thing before. You go back to a place because you might have forgotten about that place or intentionally ignored it but you have decided to go back. In Genesis 35:1-3, God instructed Jacob to arise and go to Bethel. If you are instructed to arise it means you are at a place where you are not supposed to be. God did not only instruct Jacob to go to Bethel but asked him to dwell there and build an altar for Him. An altar is a place where men encounter God. It is the place where divinity encounters humanity for transformation. Purposes Of Altars 1. A place where prayer is offered to God 2. A place where covenants are (re)enacted 3. A place where sacrifices and offerings are made to God 4. A place where commitments are made Bethel means The House of God. Jacob placed a lot of value and premium on Bethel because it was the place where he encountered God when his brother Esau was yearning to kill him. The level of reverence and honour you give to the house of God determines your attitude when you come to church. If you value the presence of God you will not allow anything to distract you when you come before Him. Your attitude in church also determines whether you will encounter God for a release of your blessing. 5 Questions About Bethel 1. Where is Bethel? Bethel is a hilly town located 24miles north of Jerusalem and 30miles from Schechem. It was a Canaanite town formally called Luz. It was a place where many men of old encountered God. 2. What is Bethel? Bethel is the place where you demonstrate and show your gratitude to God. Going back to Bethel means you are going back to your place of first love. It is also referred to as the place of our first love or first encounter with God. 3. Why Go To Bethel? - Genesis 35:11-22 a) because Bethel is a place of deliverance and preservation. b) because Bethel is a place of Gods promise. c) because it is a place for the redemption of vows. 4. How Do I Get To Bethel? - Genesis 35:2 a) You must first put aside all gods and idols. An idol or god is anything that takes the place of God in your life. b) Purify yourself(thoughts) from every contamination of sin and unrighteousness. c) Put away your old garments and put on a new one. Your old garment signifies your old identity of sin and unrighteousness. God expects us to put away our old attitudes when we accept Jesus as our Lord and saviour and put on the character of Jesus. God desires that we identity with Him at all times, in speech and deeds. 5. When Do I Go To Bethel - Genesis 28:20-22 a) You go to Bethel after God has given you protection, security and preservation. We go back to Bethel to show appreciation and thanksgiving to God. b) When God has provided food for you. c) When God has given you clothing to wear Consequences Of Ignoring Your Bethel - Genesis 34 Even though Jacob was instructed to go back to Bethel he stayed rather in Schechem for a while before finally going to Bethel. Whiles living in disobedience in Schechem Jacobs daughter was brutally raped by the men of Schechem and also his sons instigated an uprising from the Schechemites against him. If you ignore the call to go to Bethel to show appreciation to God you put your life and that of your family in harms way. Benefits Of Going To Bethel To Show Appreciation When you show appreciation to God: 1. You give glory and magnify Him. When you show gratitude to God He will also show Himself strong in your life. 2. You relieve yourself of anxiety and depression. - Philippians 4:6 3. You will have a memorial before Him. - Matthew 26:7-13 As we come to the close of the year we must prepare to go back to our Bethel to honour and demonstrate our appreciation and thanksgiving to God for all His blessings and provisions throughout the year.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:51:29 +0000

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