Sertu and Samak. There are three stories to tell. First, a - TopicsExpress


Sertu and Samak. There are three stories to tell. First, a Muslim friend, Miss A, came to visit one day. If I remembered correctly, she was here to pick something up from me from home. Miss A is a religious muslim who wears the Tudung and prays regularly. As soon as she arrived my home, she saw Maxi. I caught maxi and wanted to tie him behind the house before my friendly furkid would approach Miss A. instead, Miss A rushed to Maxi, made him sit by pointing her finger, and then asked me is he wet?, to which I replied i negative. (He is dry). Miss A than carefully rub both her hands behind Maxis neck, and Maxi was enjoying h e little rub Miss A gave him. I told miss A to stop and I wont want to be reprimanded or jailed by Jakim for what she did. She laughed and said its okay, as long as Maxi is dry. Second story was in Jalan Ipoh Veterinary hospital. Maxi had a terrible diarrhea and was whining the whole evening. Basic Internet look up showed the term distemper. I was freaked out and decided to send him to a vet hospital. It was 2am ish. As soon as I reached there, and checked maxi in, I hold him in the waiting lounge to wait for his turn. And then, a Muslim family came in. 4 of them. Father in kopiah, mother in Jubah, and two young daughters. They carried a small cage with a kitten and I guess the kitten must have been really sick. The family then came near me. The daugther first pecked her head so near to Maxi, and then asked her dad, if she could have a dog. Her dad answered in Malay, telling her no she cant because she is irresponsible, she wanted a cat and now the cat is sick she should take care of her car first. The father then came to me, and asked whats wrong with Maxi. I told him maxi was sick with suspected Distemper. He raised his hands and started to recite a prayer. I hold Maxi in front of him, and he continued to pray. I saw his wife doing them same behind him. After that, he told me , he was doing a Doa for Maxi, and pray that he gets recovered. I was greatful and looked shocked at the same time. He must have noticed my shock and proceeded to explain, that Dogs are Creature of Allah too and Muslim loves dogs. They do not hate dogs. Maxi recovered the next day, and I would like to think that its his Doa that helps. Third story is about a Muslim friend who saw a video of dog killing in Vietnam. He was so furious and angry and started to do some campaigning work to raise awareness for animal protection. These three stories explained one thing that non Muslim always do not understand : the reason dog becomes a taboo for Muslim is not because they hate dogs or dogs are dirty. It all boils down to the concept of hygiene prior to prayers. In Islam, najis are inhygene or things that would invalidate prayers. There are many types of Najis, including corpse, phelm, vomit, and of course the muallazah, ie Swine and Canine. If they touched a dog while its wet or when they are wet, they are required to perform the samak or sertu, a process which can be troublesome before they can proceed to pray. It has nothing to do with hating animals or disliking dogs.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:51:59 +0000

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