Setting aside his dyspeptic delivery, Ravin Ravens metapolitical - TopicsExpress


Setting aside his dyspeptic delivery, Ravin Ravens metapolitical model is flawed. His analysis is limited in scope and antiquated in influence, a myopic 20th Century reactionary position which gives the Jews entirely too much credit for our decline and leans on the same not even wrong answers which necessarily derive from asking the wrong questions. Jews do indeed harbor a special ressentiment for the White Christian, so integral to their character that they hesitate to let up on their mortal nemeses even when confronted with the actual threat of Islamic expansion into the Western heartland. Thats a problem that comes with being an enemy of all humanity; to defeat one opponent leaves a vacuum soon filled by yet another. Their sphere of influence and control amounts to a comprehensive monopoly on our keystone institutions of finance, culture, academia, government, industry, and military. This is all true, and yet a historical analysis of how it got to this point leads me back to two episodes, neither of which was instigated by the Jews. The first is the heresy of papal supremacy in the Western Church, an error which resulted in the deliberate weakening of identity and consolidation of the civilizations conscience in one lonely, vulnerable, corruptible chair. The second is the Age of Discovery and the ensuing colonial era which resulted in a tsunami of wealth that was effectively seized by the peasant merchants and Jewish financiers who were better positioned and able to exploit that opportunity. When I prattle on about Masonry, its shorthand for a more broad and decentralized influence of capitalists in the West, though I do believe that varied paramasonic projects extend their tentacles into more business than skeptics like Gatto purport. Forensically, this model offers *motive* (Jewish and peasant will to power) and *opportunity*: mountains of colonial gold aimed at the fiscally and morally bankrupt twin institutions of Western Throne and Altar for the crime of hijacking and derailing the West. Though the colonial mechanism for wealth generation is in a precipitous decline and Western Jewry have been severely secularized and neutralized by dipping into the decadence and vice intended for goyish consumption, the machine carries on largely uncontested from within, though ChiComs, Muslim Brotherhood, and other global actors outside the West are arising and beginning to challenge their global (if not regional) hegemony. Unlike Ravens model, this one is both predictive and it points rather directly toward potentially viable responses. First, a revival of the Eastern Church in the West could patch up the ecclesiastical mess and return us to proper metaphysical and metapolitical footing through a revival of Synethesia. Second, competitive global elites will at some point begin investing and supporting dissident projects (this isnt really happening, yet. But it is inevitable). Positioning for this is critical. Third, paradigm-shifting innovations in finance and communication will challenge the Wall Street and Hollywood status quo without any Utopian and antiquarian social credit nonsense ( if any sane elite would willingly cede final control of the monetary power to the masses). Last, but not least, a New Western Man can and will be instantiated who brings all of these currents together into a singular Christian Crusader for a new West which reaches back to pre-schismatic Europe for its vision and inspiration while reaching forward into the future for the technology and tactics to manifest that vision. If illiterate and impoverished jihadis can defeat FedGov with nothing more than transcendent ideals and overcoming the fear of death, imagine how hastily our own intelligent and wealthy comrades could kick this thing over and turn this civilization around once that spiritual war, that inner war, has been accomplished. In conclusion, Raven is an ass who will continue prattling on about obsolete and irrelevant economic models and insisting that if only we invested more time and energy in monomaniacal judenhass, that doing so would somehow, mysteriously and inexplicably, solve the problem. His failure to move past where he remains and likely will remain is not due to an intellectual or cognitive limitation. Its due to a flawed analysis of Nietzsches flawed critique of Christianity...and a personal visceral contempt for Christianity which he tries--and regularly fails--to mask. Orthodoxy or Death. Its not a battle cry or a threat. Its a multiple choice quiz. Pick one.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:09:34 +0000

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