Shalom, I call upon 6,332,900 members of the British public to - TopicsExpress


Shalom, I call upon 6,332,900 members of the British public to migrate to Spain. On arrival we will rape, pillage, bomb, massacre, slaughter & cleanse the area of the Spanish... Furthermore I dictate 21,649,500 citizens from various countries (with one grandparent of Jewish origin) have the right of return here also, should they wish. This new land shall be called Israel... All current properties built are ready to inhabit - you have full discretion to call upon our covert military soldiers should these Spaniards refuse to leave YOUR chosen house. Its irrelevant who holds the deeds, this land is promised to us, it says so in the Holy Scriptures. All remaining Spaniards will be collected into refugee camps, & the slum areas - here they will be arrested & detained & put on social Lock Down with minimum electric & light resources, to receive minimum water supplies only - with extortionate prices inclusive. Forcing high unemployment & major detriment to them - is paramount! We cannot claim a war unless they fire a rocket or attempt a bombing in retaliation for our presence... So we intend to keep the pressure on, at all times forcing their hand. Our ancestors suffered greatly so if the indigenous people take issue of our arrival we will reciprocate with Drone Strikes & Air Raids on the over populated areas causing mass terror & injury. Collective punishment will ensure they resist resisting & create maximum impact, & hopefully create more dissension & divide. We shall employ them cheaply if there is labour to be done & any land still prosperous with growth/crops shall be taken & sold as our own.. This is not a game, we want them to suffer so badly they attempt to leave of their own free will.. We will continue to inherit & take ownership of their land, crops, vegetation, places of worship & businesses.. All children or at least most will suffer nightime arrests & detainment in outdoor detention facilities - Harassing their children relentlessly & systematically creates a veil of fear over those left.. Any parents resisting should note they will be blindfolded & arrested also. And only, when there is no others left will we quit... Putting them under air/land & sea blockades will further their suffering & show them exactly whos calling the shots around here. Should they persist politically their plans will be thwarted, the US intends to back us up & will provide all monetary needs towards our Arms. The billions we receive helps us attain power over the weak & ensures that when we strike - at every available opportunity - their resistance becomes futile... These people are less than animals & will be treated as such.. No holds barred, our Military Judicial System will override Human Rights & International Law. We govern ourselves & have no need for those of lesser races to question our behaviour & nor shall we explain. The quest of annihilating the Spanish will raise a few voices but mostly will go unnoticed & unreported.. This Jewish State of Israel is purely for the Jewish, we need a Land to call home & to hell with everybody else, they should respect our glorified superiority & humble themselves before us. Checkpoints everywhere will make life exhausting & a struggle. The less healthcare they have access too the better, the apartheid wall serves us beautifully keeping them locked in & segregated - Listen, they have one option & one only, forget their heritage & trauma & accept - there is No Spain. The intelligent alignment of ourselves within certain areas in both the public eye & behind the scenes has allowed us to collect an International mass of supporters - It is with pleasure I announce that I expect full success in the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people. Have no fear this Land is for the pure. The Jewish... Signed - Benjamin Netanyahu Where this is occurring on the globe should not be an issue, the fact it IS - should call & create for a mass public outrage. Wouldnt happen in Spain so why the Middle East.... Humanity surpasses global position. ☆If you had ANY heart in you, You would be Crying for the Palestinians☆ - Dr Norman Finkelstein♥ #FreePalestine #JewsPalestiniansMuslimsAtheistsArabesChristiansAgainstApartheid
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 23:16:47 +0000

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