Shama Maliga ANOTHER KIND OF ARAB-SPRING REVOLUTION IN MY REGION? NOT IN MY LIFE TIME! Nigerians should please endeavor to pray for our region at least ones every week. We need no more bloodshed in our region. The devil seems to have built a palace in our region. Pray against another kind of Arab-spring revolution happening in the North between us (Hausa) and our brothers (Fulani). Some medias in the South have been happy making this an entertainment news. They enjoy reporting bloodsheds and bad news across the core-North. This is what I have been warning our brothers against. Theres no need shedding innocent blood and playing useless politics with the lives of people. Till date, no Hausa man has been allowed to enter any of the Emir stools in our region, yet we are not worried. Our Fulani brothers have been holding this position for so long, and we are not bothered to protest or discriminate about it, as we sees ourselves as one. None of our brother (Hausa) has gotten the opportunity to rule Nigeria, and we are not worried about it. We understood the fears among our Fulani brothers in allowing us Hausas to grip such positions, and we wish not to complain about the motive behind the illegal ban. I have severally begged my people to stop attacking President Goodluck administration. Most southerners thinks that some Northerners attack his government because he is from the south, but many forgot that some Northerners attack his government because his Vice, Namadi Sambo is an Hausa who is a potential President after Goodluck Jonathan. They want to kill the baby in his mothers womb before birth date. Some big headed fools among us has vehemently resisted the continuation of Namadi as the Vice President because they believed the current position is a ticket in being president after President Jonathan. This is the reason we are having silent political attacks and bunch of old fools from our region creating their own PDP out of PDP. This is why the monster Boko Haram have continued to lash greater harm to Nigerians and even Arewa sons and Daughters. Today our well respected Emirs & Sultans are no longer in control of our region. They have been taking their heels to unknown places. Ruling us from Abroad and Abuja. While our useless and highly corrupt politicians made themselves kings of our region. Theres nothing Arewa or islamic with their attitudes towards us and our region. I am not happy with the turning events in Zamfara, where some of our Hausa brothers are attacking Fulanis. The attempt to An assassinate the Emir, was a big insult to the entire North and those trying this attack should henceforth stop and ask Allah forgiveness. Its a big insult to kick a well respectful Emir out of Nigeria. This is sad! Our Fulani brothers should understand that they have given our region bad name in the past and must stop giving us more. They should understand that we have accommodated them very well not minding the history between us and them. They have shed enough blood in Nigeria and must stop further bloodshed within ourselves. Anyone who refused to listen to the voice of truth shall inherit the result of lies. We must stop all these evils now or else we shall live to regret it and evil shall remain within us. Stop beheading your fellow Northerners. Its sin before Allah. Allah ya kara kiyaye mu. Marassa lafiya Allah ya basu!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:49:36 +0000

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