Shame on you Buffy!!! In what can only be seen as the height of - TopicsExpress


Shame on you Buffy!!! In what can only be seen as the height of collusion, the company, at the urging of our union leadership, performed a month long audit of Candidate Asuncion’s travel history. Apparently, the incumbents identified for them certain dates, and travel, they alleged to have been done exclusively for “personal gain” i.e. campaigning for office. Nothing could be further from the truth, nonetheless, under pressure from the incumbents and with obvious concern about having to deal with true trade unionists who will actually stand up for their membership, the corporation buckled preferring the bend over and grab your ankles sort representing us today. Could the buffenbarger campaign sink any lower! It goes without saying this ridiculous, arbitrary and capricious decision will be opposed to the fullest extent of the law. It should also be noted that, despite the nefarious allegation that it involved embezzlement of some form or fashion, as currently being promoted by the muckraking buffenbarger team, no such allegation has ever been raised by the company. Of note though, is the real jeopardy this action places every member of our transportation department who was required by the IAM in the past, or may be in the future, to use their pass travel privileges to attend training at the Winpisinger Center. Under the companies finding, this would clearly be “personal gain” and a use of privileges for which you could be terminated. Likewise, be careful not to fly to another state to purchase a lottery ticket, as this as well could be determined by the company to be travel for personal gain. Unless and until this issue is satisfactorily resolved any member planning on attending class at the W3 Center must demand, in order to protect themselves from such discipline, that the IAM provide, consistent with what they do for all other W3 attendees, a paid airline ticket. That would apply equally to any and all IAM Conferences or Conventions, even NLC classes. Do not put your job at risk for the convenience of buffys budget, hes only gonna spend your money on himself anyway. This is collusion of the highest order and an appalling example of the lows that buffenbarger, his doerrs and minions will sink to. They are an embarrassment to the entire labor movement and must be removed! In reality can you blame the company for siding with the group of candidates who approved and endorsed as “historic and unprecedented” the wiping out over 60 years of time tested language in exchange for a concessionary agreement. The fact of the matter is that while candidate Asuncion was singled out, wrongly accused and discharged for allegedly doing what Delaney, every member of his staff, and most of the grand lodge officers, including Roach, Pantoja, Levy, Carlson, Rody, Fraser, Hannah, Humphries, Klinakis, Klima, Regan, Johnsen and Tiberi have done, and continue to do. Use their pass travel to campaign. The fact that they do so with “positive space” travel makes this affront to decency and fairness even more disdainful. In spite of the lies being spread by the desperate and quickly sinking incumbents, along with their few supporters this improper and egregious action will not deter IAM Reform from their campaign to unseat these unscrupulous incumbents nor hinder the ever growing movement for Reform. Thank you, to all who stand with us in the face of such a disgusting adversary. Remember the election begins this Tuesday, April 1st, April Fools Day! Let’s send these fools packing and join together to give Buffy the Boot! Help us restore fairness and integrity to our Union. At your Lodge meeting in April Vote! Vote IAM Reform and take our Union back and make it work for all of us!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:10:53 +0000

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