Share Ikeda Sensei Guidances on Daimoku The 2 Aspects of The - TopicsExpress


Share Ikeda Sensei Guidances on Daimoku The 2 Aspects of The Daimoku of Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism - By Daisaku Ikeda SGI President Daisaku Ikeda wrote about in his lecture on the Gosho On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime. 1) The Daimoku of Faith - It refers to the spiritual aspect of our practice.This essentially consists of the struggle we wages in our hearts against our inner delusion or darkness;a battle against the negative and destructive forces within us.It means breaking through the darkness clouding our Buddha nature and bringing forth the life-condition through the power of faith. 2) The Daimoku of Practice - Its refers to to the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ourselves and teaching it to others.It means making efforts in word and deed for the happiness of ourselves and others as evidence of our spiritual struggle against inner negativity and illusion. Conclusion: When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,we are both chanting the name of,and calling forth,the Buddha nature in our own lives and the lives of others.When our faith wins out over inner doubts and delusion,the power of our inherent Buddha nature is called forth by the sound of our daimoku and spontaneously manifests in our lives. The key point that set the Daishonins Buddhism apart from other Buddhist schools of his day was the establishment of this concrete means for attaining Buddhahood.And from the time he declared Nam-myoho-renge-kyo until the moment of his death,the Daishonin ardently strove to teach this supreme path of enlightenment to people throughout the land. The practice of chanting daimoku is the foundation of the Daishonins lifetime teachings.The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin ,unlike the establishment Buddhist schools of his day,was not delicate to the worship of a specific god or Buddha.The Daishonin establishment the means for all people to acheive enlightenment,the ideal of the Lotus Sutra,by formulating the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,which enables us to activate our inherent Buddha nature and manifest it as the life=state of Buddhahood. Extract from book On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime by Daisaku Ikeda. first edition and copyright of Soka Gakkai 2007,published by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM).
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:22:02 +0000

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