Shared from Jennifer Smyth - her words says it all ;-) MY - TopicsExpress


Shared from Jennifer Smyth - her words says it all ;-) MY RESPONSE TO THE ATTACKS AND MY LOVE FOR HERBALIFE: I have been a member/health coach building my Independent Herbalife business part-time for the last 5 years around my full time registered nursing career of 25 years. I was looking for an opportunity to generate additional income from home to pay off credit card debt. What began as an opportunity that I freely chose to pursue has turned into my chance of a lifetime to live my healthiest life and teach others how to live a healthy active life. My own healthcare industry has completely fallen short and failed miserably at making any attempts to educate ourselves and the general public how by making better food choices, eating clean, whole unprocessed foods, to supplement and to exercise in this order as stated by the AMA (American Medical Association) to create and sustain a healthy active lifestyle. This principal is exactly the philosophy of what we do as health coaches educating, teaching, coaching, mentoring and supporting anyone who comes seeking our help. Before Herbalife I was an exhausted, stressed out insomniac drinking a pot of coffee by day, prescription sleeping pills by night. A registered nurse of more than 20 years taking better care of others than myself, embarrassed and ashamed of myself for not setting a better example; morbidly obese. I got started on my own nutrition program because I wanted to see for myself if the claims were true about the 10s of millions of health results of others by doing the same. After 40 years of failing at any sustainable weight loss following every other weight loss program on the market I was finally able to lose 110lbs and have maintained this for 4 years. I wasted thousands of dollars buying products claiming to be the answer when the answer is to eat clean, whole unprocessed foods in balanced amounts of macronutrients as well as consuming micronutrients-vitamins and minerals- to fill in the gaps in our nutrition. Sixty-60% of the US population are supplementing yet we are the fattest country on the planet! Wherever our western diet travels so does heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, diseases that have their roots buried deep within our consumption of highly processed, refined, fatty foods . HERBALIFE is the most ethical, authentic, transparent, scientific wellness company that works under the belief of always taking the high road, doing the right thing, living the Herbalife lifestyle with integrity! This is why we lead the entire global wellness industry in how to do it right. Our products align with all the dietary recommendations and we go that extra mile to invest in making certain there arent unnecessary ingredients in our products which is the most absorbable nutrition to fuel the body at the cellular level. I know because I have studied and know the science behind our products and because I consume them on a daily basis while saving money on what I used to buy at all the high end organic markets with no results. We provide both an extraordinary product line for inner and outer nutrition to fit anyones needs as well as a business opportunity that each and everyone of us as licensed members have freely chosen of our own will to obtain and then build at whatever speed and growth we choose that best fits our individual goals. I am rewarded by my own efforts, and not a penny that I earn is earned in any other way than in helping another human being improve their health, their life! It is a privilege to be able to partner with a company whos products are the best recommendations I can ever make to help improve the health of my community and contribute to ending the pandemic of obesity, malnutrition and poverty that are the challenges we humbly take on and will continue to do no matter who tries to attack us. Its the right thing to do!! I am forever grateful to Mark Hughes for creating this extraordinary opportunity for everybody and Michael O Johnson for picking up the torch and leading by example with such personal conviction, belief and commitment to all of us!! I am equally as committed and pledge my loyalty for LIFE!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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