Sharing frailties: Today I woke to a very defeating message - TopicsExpress


Sharing frailties: Today I woke to a very defeating message from a local business mentor. I fumed a bit, was sad a bit and then remembered, everything is a lesson. I can take this or any opportunity and choose to be upset and stew or I can learn from it and move on. I can choose to be happy today or I can choose to be upset. I I turned on some good music The Beatles and wrote my blogs. As I was researching info for my blog I learned more and more. Even things I thought I knew, I still had a chance to grow and learn about. We do not stop learning once we graduate high school and college, instead we have an opportunity learn the real lessons of life Drive, Determination, Hard Work, Failure, and Success. I could have taken that email and allowed it to get me down. I could have thrown up my hands in the air and said Im done. I could have curled back under the covers and said Not today and dont get me wrong, there are days I DO feel like doing all of those things...but I dont. I rarely like to should on people but here goes this one... You shouldnt either. For those who say they are not Brave, Join Brave Girls Club and learn from a tribe of amazing women how to be strong and overcome and get through it, whatever the IT may be in your life. For those who say they are not Courageous, learn from When I Grow Up and The Declaration of You of how to get past those fears and be more courageous and from time to time read Ms. Courage for inspiration. For those who say they dont know where to go or what to do, find an E-Course that works for you. I have done BLISSBOMBED, Right-Brain Business Plan, Business in Blue Jeans and Amazing Biz & Life Academy and I know they are many others and even free ones like one my pal Donna sent me on how to Pimp your MailChimp I too am frail. I too have moments of weakness and and a desire to just say F-this! I know it doesnt seem like it because honestly I think Who wants to hear THAT message? I know I dont. I let those moments pass and I move on. (For those who know me from my past, they know how different that is from old Trisha) But given the option of making some big company or other person or making myself money, and the option of hating every day I go to work or struggling a bit to enjoy what I do... well to me there really is NO choice, because the choice is easy. I take a day or two to rest and relax. I have me time. I enjoy life to the fullest.I also refined a few times my version of what Success is. I have grown through #TheDesireMap and #7MiraclesaMonth Group and so many other fabulous places to come this far. I wanted to share this with you because FAR too often I hear people say or ask me How can I be so chipper, upbeat and energetic and truly for the most part I am, but I AM still a human and I have my down days too. I wanted to share my frailties with you to prove I AM human and I dont wake up every morning with a bounce like Tigger, but I also have learned the lesson to shrug it off and go on. Dust yourself off and there are days I have to put on makeup and do my hair to feel better too. I dont complain a lot but I do have physical ailments. I have 2-4 migraines a week (that you dont hear about), I have lower lumbar pain, that only allows me to sit or stand for periods of time, and I have arthritis quite severely and there are certain things I cant do or sew which is why I have a Head Seamstress I work with to do some of those things with me. The point is, we have shit in our lives. Pains, ailments, frailties, you name it. The challenge is to not let it bog you down from the dream and happiness you desire in life. This is my quest. I dream and live in a Disney-esque existence and I know, I will continue to do so until the day I die, because I would rather choose happiness, happy thoughts, happy actions and positivity instead of the alternative. (Sorry that went on longer than I wanted) Love you all and thinking of my friends, acquaintances and many of the things I have read on FB over the past few weeks. I hope this message touches your hearts and means as much to you reading it as it did for me writing it. XoXo Trisha Trixie
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 14:18:12 +0000

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