Sharing some more of my deeply personal writings with you all...I - TopicsExpress


Sharing some more of my deeply personal writings with you all...I hope you feel me on this one (yikes!...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months ago, my life changed in every capacity. I made some big decisions because I was ready to live BIG. ...From quitting my job and starting my own business. To ending relationships and beginning new ones. Financially, emotionally, life did a total 180. ...and its been one heck of a ride. Over the last 6 months, Ive lived more than I did in years previous. Ive taken off masks that Ive hidden behind for years, and Ive unfolded. I attribute this unfolding to two things... First is Ive dared to be courageous. Courageous to do and be exactly who I am as I am - no matter how uncomfortable or scared I might be... ...and no matter what anyone else might think (THIS is terrifying let me tell ya...). Courageous to let people see who I am, flaws and all. Courageous to step outside of my comfort zone... Courageous to give myself permission to return to my comfort zone when things got too scary. Courageous to speak up and speak from my heart. Courageous to risk it all... Courageous to quit my job to start my own business. Courageous to leap only to find I do have wings that are strong and wont fail me. Courageous to open up to new people that I never would have opened up to previously because I was on some high and mighty trip. Courageous to let my 20 foot walls crumble down. Courageous to make mistakes and to own up to them. Courageous to love hard - myself and others. Courageous to be terrified...and yet to do it anyway. Courageous to live - fully. Courageous to give myself permission to be who I know I am today. And courageous to share this with you... The second thing I attribute this unfolding to are the amazing people I have the pleasure of knowing and building with. ...especially the people Ive met over the last 6 months. And I have a confession - ...Im actually a bit of an introvert, and am a bit shy (believe it or not)... [A short Public Service Announcement: An introvert simply means we get most of our energy from being alone, in quiet, reflective environments. We love people and social situations - we just need more quiet time to unwind... ;)] And as much of an introvert as I am and as shy and reserved as I sometimes am, these amazing people have opened me up. Theyve pried me open with their hearts, their knowledge, their wisdom, their love, their support... From the laughter, to the community, the friendships, the business relationships... ...Im so grateful for these connections. Ive always longed for a place where I felt I belonged. As an only child and as someone who has never really felt at home any where - ...who always felt like the odd one - at school, in social situations, at work... I can proudly say that Im my best when Im with you all ( all know who you are...) And I am beyond grateful for the gifts youve given me. Heres to growth, to transformation - to living and loving hard. B.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:31:53 +0000

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