Shin Domoto Kyoudai- Sato Takeru & Kutsuna Shiori 2014 guesting - TopicsExpress


Shin Domoto Kyoudai- Sato Takeru & Kutsuna Shiori 2014 guesting (18 photos) Sato Takeru and Kutsuna Shiori in Shin Domoto Kyoudai Part 1 They’re on the show to promote Bitter Blood. When I first read the synopsis for this drama, it didn’t really appeal to me. I love detective JDramas, but I usually go for the serious ones. But, I did enjoy Bitter Blood. It was cute and funny; totally not annoying at all. Haha. Plus, I liked Takeru and Shiori in BECK. Koichi: Here are our guests for tonight! Welcome, Sato Takeru-san and Kutsuna Shiori-san. T & S: Please take care of us. Koichi: Takeru-kun, you were just here recently, right? [He was with Ohara Sakurako last time to promote Kanojou wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru] Takeru: That’s right. I was here not long ago. Is it alright [to be back so soon]? Kinki Kids: It’s fine. It’s fine. Koichi: But, this is the first time for Kutsuna-san, right? Shiori: Nice to meet you. Please take care of me. Koichi: So, let’s watch this VTR first. [They showed a short VTR of Shiori’s projects so far, including her two works with Takeru – Meichan no Shitsuji and BECK.] Koichi: So, both of you have co-starred in a drama before. Takeru: Yes. Koichi: Have you done a detective role before this? Takeru: This is the first for me. This one’s about a detective, but it’s not the serious detective type of story, right? [to Shiori] Shiori: Yes. Tsuyoshi: So, it’s a little comedic? Takeru: Yeah, there’s a bit of comedy. Koichi: I see. But, you don’t have that comedic image, right? Takeru: This drama is just filled with jokes. Koichi: How about Kutsuna-san? Shiori: This is also the first for me. Tsuyoshi: The first, right? “First.” Koichi [to Shiori]: You were born in Australia, right? Shiori: Yes. [Koichi went on to talk about their previous show “Love Love Aishiteru” where they went to Australia and saw koalas and stuff.] (Cut to CM) Koichi: Domoto’s One Question, One Answer! Male Voiceover: So, here are the questions for Sato Takeru-san and Kutsuna Shiori-san. This is the first time for Kutsuna-san to appear in Domoto Kyoudai, but please tell us if you’ve heard of any rumor about the show before. Other MCs: Rumors? There are rumors? Shiori: I heard about Sato-san’s… dance? Koichi: Right, right, right. Sato Takeru’s dance, right? Shiori: Yes. Tsuyoshi: That famous one. TM Revolution: Oh, that famous Sato Takeru dance, right? I see. I see. Koichi: It’s something that could make a crying kid laugh. Female Voiceover: Tsuyoshi created Sato Takeru’s dance by chance based on the previous appearance of Sato-san on the show. It’s short, but it’s a magic dance that made a crying girl laugh. It changed the atmosphere in the studio quickly.] Koichi: So, you’ve heard about it, Kutsuna-san? That there’s a such thing? Shiori: Yes. TM Revolution: By the way, have you seen it before? Shiori: I haven’t. MCs: Ahh, that’s too bad. Koichi: Well, then. We have no other choice but to ask Tsuyoshi to do it here, right? Tsuyoshi: But, you see… For this one, if no one’s making a fuss about something… Other MCs: Ah, that’s right. Tsuyoshi: I can’t just do it that easily. Koichi: Then, can the two of you (Takeru & Shiori) try to argue about something? We’re sorry about this. Tsuyoshi: For you to understand it, it has to work as if it’s going to lighten up the mood. [Takeru starts the argument right away. lol!] Takeru: Why did you say something like that? MCs: Oh, it’s begun. Takeru: Why did you say there’s this thing called “Sato Takeru Dance” on TV? MC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shiori: What about it? Takeru: “What about it?” Why did you do it? MCs: Oh, they’re arguing. They’re arguing. TM Revolution: Oscar Promotions and Amuse are getting competitive! MCs: It’s a battle between talent agencies! Takeru (to Shiori): Where did you hear about it? Shiori: If you say it like that, I’ll be in trouble. Takeru: But, I’m the one in trouble now. Shiori: What?! [Tsuyoshi still wouldn’t start doing the dance.] Koichi: Why the hell are you still not doing it? MCs: You’re so slow! Just do it fast! (CM Break again) Tsuyoshi: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. This time around, I’ll really do it. Koichi: What kind of theme will it be? If there’s no theme… Tsuyoshi: I see. Okay. Now we have no other choice. You’ll (Takeru) be the God of Tofu. Takeru: God of Tofu? Okay. [Observe Takeru’s face. He definitely turned his actor mode on. So competitive. Haha!] Tsuyoshi: And you’ll (Shiori) be the God of Soy Sauce. Koichi: Oh, it’s pretty easy to argue about this. Tsuyoshi: Okay, do a battle as the God of Tofu and the God of Soy Sauce. TM Revolution: Let’s do this scene. Okay, start! Takeru: YOU KEEP POURING YOURSELF ALL OVER MY HEAD ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME!!!! Shiori: That’s because you can’t be eaten without me. That’s why I keep getting poured all over you. Takeru: It feels like I’m drowning, you know? Like, I’m drowning! I’m totally fine on my own. Shiori: But, you won’t be delicious. It’s boring if you’re alone, you know! Takeru: My natural taste is totally fine. You always keep messing with my head. Shiori: You’re so boring. You’re just pure white. Takeru: You’re the worst! Shioro: I want a bit of color! [One of the MCs said, “kawaii.” Haha!] Takeru: But that stain couldn’t be removed. Shiori: Because you’re made from soybeans. I’m made from soybeans, too. MCs: Tsuyoshi should do it now. Takeru: You stupid liquid! Shiori: You stupid jelly-like thing! [Tsuyoshi finally does the dance.] Takeru: I remember it now. (To Shiori) That’s the one. MCs: We just saw something nice. Koichi: That wasn’t something you (Tsuyoshi) had to keep dragging on for a long time. Tsuyoshi: No, right? I’m sorry. Daigo: Now that I’ve seen it, you (Tsuyoshi) could’ve totally done that during the first take. Koichi: We’re really sorry about that. TM Revolution: But, you (Shiori) really have no idea where this came from, right? Shiori: Yes. TM Revolution: You see, Takeru-kun… He can’t reach his shoulders. Shiori (to Takeru): Is that so? Koichi: It’s kinda difficult for me, too. Shiori (to Takeru): Why is that? Takeru: I don’t know. I just can’t touch my shoulders like this. [lol!] (Everyone laughs) Takeru (to Shiori): Can you touch yours? TM Revolution: Try it. Takeru: Oh, you can, right? I can’t. I can’t. Tsuyoshi: He’s just born like that. Male Voiceover: Thank you very much for that sudden workshop. ~~~ Kenshin still has a weak spot! lol. Sato Takeru and Kutsuna Shiori in Shin Domoto Kyoudai Part 2 Kenshin has another weakness! Haha. ~~~ Male voiceover: Well, then. Here’s the next question. When you were a kid, what kind of games were you obsessed with? Sato-san? Takeru: I played “Green Peas.” Do you know that game? Takamina: Ah, I’ve heard of that before. [So, they just explain the game here. It’s basically a modified rock, paper, scissors game. Every time the players end up with the same, they have to say ‘don!’ Whoever says it faster, wins.] Koichi: When Takeru-kun came here last time, you were someone who really hated to lose no matter what. Takeru: Ah, yeah. The ‘Pokapon’ game [They played that game when Takeru and Ohara Sakurako were on the show. I guess I should’ve translated that one first. lol!]. Koichi: So, you wouldn’t want to lose in ‘Grean Peas’ either. Takeru: I have never lost a game. MCs: Ohhhh… Koichi: Come on, Tsuyoshi-kun. Tsuyoshi: Are you for real? Takeru: Is it okay? Are you familiar with the rules? Tsuyoshi: Yes. I’m actually called “Nara’s Green Peas.” [Kinki Kids are from Nara Prefecture.] TM Revolution: Well, it’s just some green stuff. [Takeru and Tsuyoshi discuss the game. Nothing important. Haha! Takeru wins the first round.] MCs: That was fast! Tsuyoshi: Wait a minute. You cut me off right when I was about to say ‘parin.’ TM Revolution: That’s just how fast his reflexes are. MCs: Very impressive. Tsuyoshi (to Koichi): It’s your turn. Go do it! Go get him! Koichi: Alright! [Takeru wins again] MCs: So fast! Tsuyoshi: His ‘don’ was fast, right? Daigo: Yeah, the ‘don’ was fast. Koichi: How did you know which one’s gonna come? Takeru: Somehow, I can just tell. Tsuyoshi: You can tell, right? You “wakaru.” “Sato Wakaru.” (“Wakaru” in Japanese means “understand/know” and it rhymes with Takeru’s name, so… you get the joke here. ^^) Takeru: Yes, “Sato Wakaru.” [Sato knows. lol!] Koichi: Perhaps it’s true that he has never lost before. TM Revolution: He’s strong. Tsuyoshi: However, the person next to him (Shiori) looks very tired already. TM Revolution (to Shiori): When you were there (Australia), what kind of games did you play? Shiori: I fed my “blue-tongued lizard” (in English) every day. Tsuyoshi: Blue-tongued…? Shiori: Its tongue was blue and… (They show a photo of the lizard.) Koichi: It’s like a hybrid of a snake and an alligator. TM Revolution: It looks like “Tsuchinoko,” don’t you think? [a mythical creature] MCs: The skin pattern is cute. Shiori: It’s cute. I called it Lulu-chan. TM Revolution: Is it wild? Shiori: It is. Takamina: Can it be tamed? Shiori: No, it can’t. Tsuyoshi: Do you tend to like unusual creatures like this? Shiori: I’m fine with all types of creatures. Tsuyoshi: You’re fine with all types of creatures. [Tsuyoshi made fun of her because she said it in a matter-of-factly way.] TM Revolution: Like, “I love the earth so much! So much!” Shiori: Yes. Male Voiceover: Here’s the next question. Was there anything mischievous you did as a kid that you would like to confess about now? Kutsuna-san? Shiori: I took revenge on a boy who pulled my pigtails by hitting his head with a (toy) building block [Takeru laughed. Haha!] Shiori: I think I was around 3-years-old. I hit him with a building block. Tsuyoshi: “I hit him with a building block. Hehehe.” That’s so wrong. Koichi: We also have a photo of when she was a kid. Tsuyoshi: Was this during Halloween? Shiori: Yes, Halloween. [Everyone says Shiori looked cute, even Takeru.] Tsuyoshi: So, your photo when you were a kid looks like this. Male Voiceover: Alright, here’s the next question. “This is just between us. The truth is, Kutsuna-san is a (blank).” Sato-san, please reveal something about Kutsuna-san that we don’t know about. Tsuyoshi: Something we don’t know about. Takeru: Ah, but actually, you may have already observed this a while ago… Surprisingly, she’s a complete sadist. MCs: Ahh… We can tell that. Tsuyoshi: She’s the quiet sadist type, right? TM Revolution: That’s true. Takeru: When we were in Bitter Blood’s filming site, there was a time when we ate lunch with everyone. We ate “hinabe” [a hot pot dish] and it was pretty spicy. But, we wanted it to be even spicier, so we tried to put on some spicy seasoning. She asked for the spiciest one. We both love spicy food, so we thought we’ll just try and eat it. When we were about to eat, she kept putting on that extremely spicy seasoning into my bowl. MCs: I see. Takeru: And she kept grinning and said, “Sato-san, please eat this.” Koichi: Then, she’s really a sadist. Tsuyoshi: A complete sadist. Such a bad kid. Shiori: But… you (Takeru) were fine, right? Takeru: “Fine?” Hahaha. Koichi: That was a sadist comment. TM Revolution: Even if you weren’t okay, you wouldn’t really tell it to her, right? Takeru: Yeah, I just blew and tried to eat it. Shiori (to Takeru): You looked fine with the seasoning, so I thought you wanted more. Takeru: I didn’t actually like it. But, she looked really excited. MCs: I see… I see… Male Voiceover: Well, then. Kutsuna-san. Shiori: Yes. Male Voiceover: Please tell us something about Sato-san that we don’t know about. Shiori: Sato-san hates caterpillars and he’s someone who loves attention. Takeru: Hahaha. MCs: Really? An attention whore? Shiori: He’s serious when he’s reading the script. But, when he’s away from it, he would talk to everyone and say, “hey hey hey hey.” [in a sweet manner. Haha!] He would always do that. Takeru: Wait, give me a break. Daigo: I see. He’s an attention whore, huh? TM Revolution: That’s unexpected, right? Because he looks like someone quiet. Takamizawa: Like, someone who prefers to be alone. TMR: Right, right, right. Sato: Well, I’ll just say it here. But, since I was given the main role, I thought, “What would happen if I just stay quiet?” TMR: Ah, that’s right. Koichi: You’re supposed to be in charge of making sure the atmosphere stays lively. Sato: I thought I should talk. MCs: That’s great, then. That’s important. Koichi: But, you hate caterpillars? Sato: I’m really the worst when it comes to caterpillars. It’s like a trauma. There’s one more thing. This didn’t happen in our current filming location, but when we co-starred before, there was a slug on site. When I saw it, I called her and said, “Shiori-chan, come here.” I took her hand and made her touch the slug. Usually, a girl would scream, right? MCs: Yeah, that’s right. Takeru: But, she just touched that slug as if it was nothing. She was like, “Eh? What’s that?” MCs: Oh, she’s strong. Takeru: I was so surprised. Shiori: But, then when I tried to point my finger at Sato-san, he went, “Yuuuuuuuck!” and ran away. Koichi: He’d be like, “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” Takeru: I was completely shocked. I was like, “Don’t you dare come near me with that hand that touched a slug.” Tsuyoshi: What kind of a game was that? That was so hilarious. Daigo: But, Takeru-kun, you had no choice but to touch it, right? Takeru: That’s right. She made me pay double [He quoted Hanzawa Naoki.] She was totally fine with it. MCs: That was funny. English translations & photos credit: ayradeocampo.tumblr/post/108683810611/sato-takeru-and-kutsuna-shiori-in-shin-domoto ayradeocampo.tumblr/post/108865914506/sato-takeru-and-kutsuna-shiori-in-shin-domoto
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:19:05 +0000

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