Shooting Butterflies ************************** Butterflies are - TopicsExpress


Shooting Butterflies ************************** Butterflies are active during warm part of the day. They are sluggish when it is cold and they hide away when it is a windy day. Whenever you see a butter fly hovering on a flower you have found the spot where it will keep coming back at intervals. Movement scares them and they fly away. Ideally you should have a tripod or monopod. In good light you may be able to get good hand held shots. Use a fast shutter speed. For hand held shots consider shutter at 2 times the focal length of the lens in use. Macros are good but you dont have to have a macro. A tele lens (>100 mm) will put you at a comfortable distance from the butter fly and thats more comfortable for the butterfly. Position your self toward the group of flowers that the butterflies frequent. The light should be coming from behind you. Choose your shutter speed (for 100 mm it is 1/200) choose the aperture to fit your desired DOF, f-4 is a good starting point. Need less DOF open wide and for more details close down to f 8-11 range. Let the camera choose ISO or you select to match your settings and for the ambient light. Use spot metering at the wings, this will get as close to a perfect exposure. Take a test shot of the flower and adjust exposure bias to your liking. Now sit and wait for the butterfly to come in. Slowly swing to keep the sensor parallel to its wing whenever possible. Once the butterfly is in focus keep shooting till she goes away. Have a quick check for exposure, make adjustment if needed and wait for it to come back. Do not chase butterflies. Avoid your own shadow falling upon your subject. If it is a bright sunny day use a hat. Wear long sleeve cotton shirt. If you are allergic to flowers or react to insect stings avoid this exercise all together. You know there are other areas of photography that you can safely enjoy. Have good time. Regards, ifti
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:43:49 +0000

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