Should Tea Party Folk, en masse, get involved with the Pelletier - TopicsExpress


Should Tea Party Folk, en masse, get involved with the Pelletier case??? I do not know but I want to discuss it with my Tea Party friends. A week or so ago, I wrote the following post. . On the The Pelletier Family Nightmare. . What the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Children’s Hospital have done to this little girl and her family is criminal and very wrong. It is also as nasty and a mean as it gets. The fact that two hospitals have different views on what is ailing this child means that all decisions as to her care should rest with the child and her parents, not the state. . Now egos and possible malpractice suit liability on the part of Children’s Hospital and DCF makes the likelihood of them admitting they made a mistake or treated this family appropriately, an impossibility. I hate it when people in authority use their power to hurt innocent people and then in their arrogance, use that same power to protect their own self interest and themselves from any liability. . Anyone and any corporation that gives to Children’s Hospital should rethink, at least in the near term, their planned giving and inform Children’s Hospital as to why the change of heart. The only thing that will stop bad actors, like this, from repeating this behavior is if they are punished severely. Any other response will guarantee similar self interested and very cruel behavior the next time Children’s Hospital and DCF make a mistake. . Now a Judge has taken this girl away from her family and given custody to DCF. I know in the recent past a Judge issued a gag order preventing this family from expressing their concern for their daughter publicly. That order was, on its face, unconstitutional. I followed my initial remarks with this post. . The fix is in. The hospital and the state stand to loose too much and have tremendous liability if they are found out to be wrong or to have acted inappropriately. It is cases like this that convince me that the American judicial system has its own issues with corruption. . I prayed that this judge would do the right thing but I was fairly certain he would not. There is just too much power and influence on the side of Government, the Governor, the State and DCF and the Hospital, Children’s Hospital and all its doctors and staff. Someone was going to get to this Judge. Someone had to know this Judge. . So this little girl and her family get torn apart. Pain, physical, mental, and emotional, and anguish triumph and we as a people are the worse for it. …..Unless, …. someone stands up or many stand up. . Michael Mosca asks us to contact Governor Deval Patrick’s office at 617-75-4005 and demand that Justina be returned to her parents. I say fine but I do not believe that is enough to bring justice to this case. There is just too much money and liability at stake and too much injury has already taken place. If a deal were reached where the state and the Hospital returns the girl to her family and then are allowed to sneak away without some acceptance of responsibility and liability it will only encourage similar behavior in the future. . What say you? Should Tea Party folk only be concerned with term limits, the national debt, taxes, Obama-care, Government corruption, amnesty, the growth in government power and over-reach or is there a place for little issues like the abuse of a little girl and her family? Indeed, can we try to address huge, perplexing issues and ignore the quiet cry in the corner? I would really like your input on this. God bless you and help us all do the right thing.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:55:09 +0000

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