Sierra Leone is a country that has lots of potential for - TopicsExpress


Sierra Leone is a country that has lots of potential for greatness and in fact, could be great, had it not been for the fact that some Sierra Leonean undermining effort to bring Progress. We need Universal Healthcare in the nation because there are enough reason for the Government to moved to that direction. Sierra Leonean are groaning day and night under the wicked rule that subjected them through ebola, or through a government that has abdicated its responsibility to the people and in every way possible shown the wickedness of its reign. How best can we describe an elected president of a Country with vast minerals resources with no Health care that can Protect the nation from ebola as well as Cholera? I have wrote several articles but still The State House of Sierra Leone refusing to Comment about my request.The best way to describe this kind of act, is to call it sheer wickedness and disregard for the groaning and sufferings of the people. If we had righteous men ruling over the nation, the solution would have been reach by now. the psychological damage ebola has done to the nation is Large to imagine. Only Universal Healthcare care can removed us from this Problem. We might be fairly free as a nation from Ebola in the next two or three month but I think for psychological reasons and the ability of the entire nation to be able to rebuild their trust in having human contact without general apprehension is Something we should think about While sitting down in our Bench or inside the Poda Poda transportation . Think about Foreign tourist that want to enjoyed our nice Beaches and beautiful sea. Give me the amount we gonna loosed in tourism . This ebola has embarrassed us very much and has created strong doubts in our minds but things can only mend out if we adopt Universal Healthcare. President Koroma, We the People has Suffered Enough, Please Don’t Let us Suffer more than this anymore, We must come together as a nation to implement Universal Healthcare. I need the program
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:06:53 +0000

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